Conrad's activity

Questions Asked

Hello my name is Conrad and I live in Nottingham, England.   Way back in 1982 I was fortunate enough to be posted out to Sardinia with the RAF with my wife and two bambini.

Tue, 07/14/2009 - 09:45

Comments posted

Thu, 07/23/2009 - 09:33

Does anyone have the lyrics to "Ci vuole un fiore" by Sergio Endrigo. It's jst one of those songs I can't get out of my head. I have it on an italian learning CD but just can't make out the lyrics. Sorry Valentina I have not had chance to listen to your music. I am at work at the moment and do not have my headphones with me. I will listen tonight.Grazie!

Tue, 07/21/2009 - 08:49

Hi and welcome.  The forum seems  to be getting quite few from oz lately.   My second love is Scotland. I love holidaying up there.  I would love to go to one of those language schools in Italy. Don't think the wife would let me though A presto

Mon, 07/20/2009 - 17:11

Story from the trenches in WW1.  Seems most ex pats can get their fill of tv by sat and internet. Doubtless it wil get even better.When I lived in Sardinia back in the early 80's all we had was the BBC World service that crackled and faded. Plus the occational VHS tape a few cassettes sent out in my red cross parcel.  Even though I could not speak much Italian I bought a tv and spent many a happy evening trying to work out what was happening on the RAI News and some of the game shows were amazing!  Ah .... happy days

Answer to: Ozinitaly
Mon, 07/20/2009 - 16:48

At least we are not getting white washed this time. Expect it will all end in tears again!

Mon, 07/20/2009 - 13:41

Thanks portia I suspected there would be a commercial reason for it.Apparently the BBC/ITV use a narrow beam that they bounce off Astra 2E. People in the UK often experience problems with this if their alignment is slightly out.  Apparently if you live in Rome you need a 3m dish to get the BBC. Nice if you have somewhere to put a dish that wide 

Mon, 07/20/2009 - 09:26

I was aware of Sky UK's policy about recieving ofshore from the Astra 2E.  Has anyone ever asked them why?   Presumably you can't legally get Sky Italia in the UK although there seems to be companies offering it.  ???

Answer to: Ozinitaly
Sun, 07/19/2009 - 09:07

For better or worse Britain is changing. I am nigh on 50 now and have seen so much change in my life time.  It is now very much multi-cultural and on the whole we all get on with each other. There are a minority that are homophobic and  are blatantin their biggotted and often racist views but most of us are decent folk who despise their kind. We will always have that light hearted animosity between Austrailia and England but Austrailians are loved in this country. They usually beat us at cricket and rugby and make sure we know about it.   We have a great respect for Austrailia and Australians and many would love to live there.  As regarding Italy. I will probably work for the next 15 years and then retire in Italy. Although Sardinia is a beautiful islandI think we would like to retire on the mainland.  Yes we have the advantage of being closer and the low cost airlines have made it possible to travel relatively cheaper nowadays. Our plan is to try and visit every region and hopefully when it comes to retirement time we will make the right decission.Kind regardsConrad.

Answer to: Ozinitaly
Sun, 07/19/2009 - 07:56

Welcome Winifred. I see you are not of British decent Are you retiring to spend half and half home and in Italy?  I expect through your ex husband you know quite a lot about the Italians and their culture.  My late sister emigrated to Wollogong, NSW in the sixties and spent 10 years out there. She regretted coming home. Becuase I lived in Sardinia for 3 years when I was younger I have never got the experience out of my blood and long to return when I retire.  This website is great because we are a global community all sharing the same passion.  I despair at the stereotyping the italians endure from most the Brits I come into contact with on a daily basis.Still if they are not interested in learning about the Italians and Italiana then it's their lossHope your plans go well.A presto!  

Fri, 07/17/2009 - 12:10

Hi Catherine.  It's nice to here from our American cousins!  I'm making the assumption you are AmericanDo you speak italian?   I am slowly learning the language.  I have come to realise that most of the self  learning courses available in the UK are from the USA !  I  have booked a week near Rome next year.  Like your goodself  I am a lover of Italia and enjoy discovering their history and culture.Hope you enjoy this brilliant website as much as I do.Take care now ! 

Thu, 07/16/2009 - 17:33

I think Gerbillo is teasing youI am english and learning italian. I think I understood you said, " that you feel at home in Italy but like a stranger in England.You are going on holiday in a couple of months to Cattolica and you are anxious about being able to speak Italian correctly.Help!See you later! " Yes, I would also like to speak fluent italian but I know that it will take many years of constant study and as much exposure as possible to the language.  I do think its a much nicer language to speak than english. It kind of rolls off the tongue.I reckon you will be fine. Hope you let us know how the trip went and take a few photos.Buon Vacanza