Santamarinese's activity

Questions Asked

Does anyone know how to prepare the red and yellow bell pepper side dish, which is usually served cold. Are they roasted and then preserved in vinegar or are they freshly prepared and then left to go cold.

Wed, 09/30/2009 - 10:46

Have been driving in Italy on our holidays for the last five years and it is still a mystery of who is meant to give way on a roundabout.

Mon, 09/07/2009 - 17:23

My husband and I have been learning Italian mostly with the Michel Thomas CD's on and off for about four years now.

Wed, 09/02/2009 - 17:11

Hi, my husband and I are looking to move to Southern Italy in the next few years. My husband is a qualified mechanic here in England.

Sat, 08/29/2009 - 16:08

We are considering advertising our holiday home on the Italy Mag website next year and wondered if anyone has any first hand experience of having done so. We would be interested to hear if you thought it increased bookings much.

Sun, 08/16/2009 - 12:18

Rosella's pizzeria/ristorante is our favourite restaurant. It is situated in the main piazza of Sicili in Campania and is open on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays.

Wed, 08/05/2009 - 17:48

Hi there, does anyone have experience of using satellite broadband for their internet in Italy. Did some research about three years ago and it was rather expensive. If anyone has got it, have the prices now come down and who are they using.

Mon, 08/03/2009 - 09:57

Ciao tutti, siamo John & ToniWe first fell in love with southern Italy in 2005 on our holiday to Sicili, which is near Policastro in the Salerno province of Campania.

Sun, 08/02/2009 - 16:13

Comments posted

Wed, 10/28/2009 - 19:20

We have found the Michel Thomas CD's very good. They gradually build up your language skills and progress in logical steps.  He did a foundation course and an advanced course. Both were quite comprehensive. There is also a vocabulary course based on his teaching method, but done by Rose Lee Hayden and Paola Tite. All are well worth the money.  

Thu, 10/22/2009 - 17:19

Welcome Cathmik We joined the community about 2 months ago and have found it to be a very informative place. Whereabouts in Italy are you planning to take your husband to? We first visited Southern Italy in September 2005 and fell in love with it and the people so much that we bought a holiday home there. Four years on and we have had many delightful holidays there and we are planning on moving there in the next few years. Can't wait! Enjoy the community and your next trip to Italy! Toni & John

Mon, 10/12/2009 - 09:38

I posted a similar question on 2/9/09 entitled "Translating Italian back into English". You might like to take a look at it, as there were several interesting answers to my question.All I can say is that I have now realised that it will come in time, but when you are not in Italy all the time it always feels as though progress is not being made.Good luck! Toni

Sun, 10/11/2009 - 09:00

We tried the roasted peppers with oregano, balsamic vinegar and olive oil this week and they were yummy. Will definitely be doing those again!Also thank you to Mimosa for the other pepper recipes that you so kindly PM'd to me.

Tue, 10/06/2009 - 13:28

Yes please mimosa, that would be very kind of you. Can you PM me with them please? The red pepper marmalade one sounds the most appealing.Many thanksToni

Tue, 10/06/2009 - 13:24

I came back from Italy feeling much more confident with the language than I was before I went. I even understood more of what the eighty year old lady next door to us was saying, and she often speaks in dialect.We do have access to some of the Italian TV stations here in England, but I rarely get time to watch TV, so I don't get much practise in that way. Also I do now feel that with more time spent in Italy that understanding the language will come and that eventually (maybe one day) I will become fluent.Thanks for the encouragement, it helped me to go to Italy in the right frame of mind to pay more attention and to listen carefully to what was being said to me! Toni

Mon, 10/05/2009 - 16:37

We usually make sure that we text our Italian friend every now and again when we are back in England to make sure that our credit stays on our Italian mobile. It is a "Wind" sim rather than a "Tim" one, but we think it works the same way in respect of keeping our credit instead of losing it all.

Mon, 10/05/2009 - 16:31

Thank you for your suggestions. I shall try them out this week sometime. Is there no way of keeping them longer and therefore allowing me to do more in one go?

Answer to: Roundabouts?
Wed, 09/09/2009 - 09:54

Thanks to everyone for the info. No wonder everybody just goes then considering some are using the old rules and some are using the new rules and the rest are doing like they have always done (using their own rules).Good job there are not too many roundabouts around the area that we are in. The one at Naples airport is always a bit of a challenge (but it is Naples after all), but after that there is only one more all the way to Santa Marina.We shall continue to the same as in England, but with eyes in the back of our heads and hoping for the best.ThanksJohn & Toni  

Sat, 09/05/2009 - 05:29

Thank you to everyone for your encouragement. Perhaps I am just being impatient. We are off to Italy next Thursday for two and a half weeks, so I should have plenty of time to immerse myself and hopefully I shall feel more optimistic by the end of the holiday. I shall have to prick my ears up more and listen carefully, instead of going into holiday mode and switching off. I suppose it doesn't help when there are so many different dialects all over Italy as well. I shall get there with the language - I am determined to! After all we do plan on living there in the next few years, so I shall have to get up to speed by then.