JanJ's activity

Questions Asked

I have been following proceedings for some time so thought I should get around to writing something myself.  Bear with me as a first timer! We have just bought a little place between Bagni di Lucca and Barga (Vitiana) and are very excited to be ma

Mon, 06/14/2010 - 17:17

Comments posted

Answer to: Thankyou
Mon, 06/11/2012 - 18:20

It's been pouring with rain here in Wales so sat and read your book yesterday afternoon!!  A good read, well done, I enjoyed it.  All the best

Answer to: Thankyou
Wed, 05/30/2012 - 17:06

Have just bought it for my new Kindle - will give you feedback once I've read it.  Looks good.

Sun, 01/01/2012 - 12:48

Happy New Year to all. Fill up that glass getsett - only half full - may as well have a full glass of good wine (or anything else for that matter) although after last night's celebrations the thought of a glass of wine at the moment isn't as attractive as usual!!  I too am an optimist and think things will pan out....  On a gloomy, very wet afternoon in Wales the thought of bella Italia is enough to cheer the soul.  Roll on the spring when Easy Jet swings into action from Bristol and I'll be there.  (Early)Retirement planned for 2012 so I'm hopeful that it will be a good year - can't wait!  My new years resolution however is not to count days but to make days count! Jan

Sun, 01/01/2012 - 12:37

We have just bought a wood burner here in the UK to take over to our place in Northern Tuscany in the spring.  We looked at buying over in Italy but everythng we saw was quite pricey!  Our place is only small so we have gone for a unit that has the option of attaching a boiler for central heating if we need it.  Going to try it out first to see how much heat it gives us and add radiators next year if we need to.  We don't live full time in Italy so do not spend much time in our place during winter months but the option of a warm house in colder months is attractive - Christmas and New Year beckons maybe in future years? We bought a Stovax Stockton 8 which cost us £750.  If we need the back boiler it will cost us another £200.  Had we just wanted the wood burner without boiler option we could have spent considerably less - £400 - £500 or on ebay there are units for as little as £250 ish!  Not sure about quality though. Getting said wood burner to our house on top of a hill with no road access is the next logistical problem - large friends already lined up to make the trip!! Jan

Answer to: Buying a scooter
Wed, 10/05/2011 - 17:12

That sounds like a good option Alan H.  Will give it some thought. Jan

Answer to: Canopy porch
Thu, 08/25/2011 - 07:29

Certainly plenty to think about - thanks everyone.  I too am beginning to think that maybe we could reuse the metal frame of the existing structure and fit a new cover of some sort. 

Fri, 08/12/2011 - 19:09

I agree with Fabbriche.  Have just returned from a week of gardening in the same area with my new Italian style, long handled spade and it's fab!  I'd like to know where I can buy Italian spades in the UK! Jan

Fri, 08/12/2011 - 19:03

I always use Auto Europe (not sure if it's the same as Auto europa?)  They always seem to have the best deals.  The actual hire company varies according to the best deals at the time so it could be Hertz, Avis, Advantage etc.  Recently I hired a car through them that included unlimited excess.  (It turned out to be with Hertz)  I managed to scrape the car all down one side and was charged £1200 for the damage!!  There was no getting away from the fact I did it etc so it was taken off my credit card.  Once I returned home I contacted Auto europe about the unlimited excess and although it took some time they paid up without a quibble.  I didn't have to badger them at all so I must say I was pleased with them.  Since then however, I have always taken out the extra insurance which is pricey but it's good to know you won't have to pay a thing if there's any damage.  The last two visits to Itlay we've had cars from Advantage - yes they're cheap and cheerful but not the best!  For pootling around the hills of Northern Tuscany however and squeezing through very narrow streets they do the job.  Jan

Answer to: Integration
Tue, 02/22/2011 - 14:17

Well said Sebastiano, I agree that it depends where you come from.  Coming from Wales however, I have to pull you up on your slur on the Welsh!  You will come across ignorant people who will change from speaking English to Welsh (yes that's what it's called) but I can assure you that is not the  norm.  We are a warm and welcoming nation, it's a shame you had that experience.  You can find excellent food but like everywhere else it depends what you want and where you look for it.  So wherever you go I guess it's much the same -  consider your expectations, be realistic, embrace the culture and do not consider yourself a cut above the locals.  We live in rural Wales but that doesn't mean we are backward yokels.  Value people for what they are and wherever they are.

Thu, 01/06/2011 - 17:24

Good suggestions folks - made me chuckle!  Got me thinking now, I'm sure there are other bits that might come in handy...... Jan