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Questions Asked

hi, i'm trying to calculate the amount of inheritance tax i am liable for on a property worth €50.000 left to me by my mother in sicily, the rates are available from internet but what i can't work out is if there is a threshhold amount before rate

Wed, 09/22/2010 - 19:19

hi, i have just received a letter from a notary in italy summarising their intensions in regards an inheritance, i’m trying to translate the letter but have come across the following phrase: ‘presentata la denuncia di successione’ , when I try to

Wed, 08/18/2010 - 16:51

i am italian born but am resident in london and currently going through the process of inheriting an apartment property in sicily.

Fri, 07/16/2010 - 16:20

Comments posted

Mon, 07/19/2010 - 16:08

Hi Charlotte, Thanks for your concise explanation which to some degree puts my mind at ease I find it difficult to explain but here goes. The main point of contention is that the notary wants a cousin of mine to sign a document or act that my father bought out a share of their part of the apartment, Several years ago I saw a witnessed document/ bill of sale that my father purchased the part of the apartment from my uncle. I am also sure that the notary has this document but is refusing to accept it's authenticity. The cousin in question also doesn’t understand why she has to sign this and states that it’s nothing to do with her. Another problem is that I am being told by a cousin acting as an intermediary between myself and the notary that it is imperative that the cousin mentioned above and I have to attend in person to sign these acts. I have seen on the Italian consulate website that a ‘power of attorney’ can be set up which I may have to use myself due to ongoing health problems and to save my cousin the troble of having to travel over to Italy as well. What I’m being told and what I can gather from my own research is different, hence my concerns.

Sun, 07/18/2010 - 05:43

thanks again Ram for taking the time to respond, the notary was chosen by my late mother so this i believe is out of my hands, i may well take your advice and seek a profesional second opinion.

Sat, 07/17/2010 - 12:48

thanks Fillide and Ram, your answers are helpful maybe it should have been made clear by me in original post, i am more concerened by competence of the notary though integrity is also at the back of my mind. i have to say that i have not met or spoken to the notary, i am being informed of matters by my cousin who is in contact with them. i intend to get in contact with the notary myself shortly when i get the details. as i understand a solicitor in uk is answerable to the law society or solicitors regulation authority - is this similar in the case of notaries in italy?