User Activity
Annec replied to a question: WWII History in Emilia Romagna with: "I second Terry's"
Annec replied to a question: Trying to get BBC channels in Le Marche with: "It really works"
Annec replied to a question: Our Leader here in Italy with: "A response to Berlo's change"
Annec replied to a question: Wanted/looking for with: "Don't know exactly where you"
Annec replied to a question: New To This Forum with: "Welcome - whereabouts are you"
Annec replied to a question: If you had some land to grow on... with: "might be alfalfa"
Annec replied to a question: Learning italian - sigh............................ with: "2 great Italian"
Annec replied to a question: Linda Vernon with: "So sorry. I certainly"
Annec replied to a question: Architetti vicino a montelparo, le marche with: "Brancusi - "when I don't"
Annec replied to a question: Italian Police(Feel good story) with: "Hooray for the (italian) cops"