Brian Stoner
User Activity
Brian Stoner replied to a question: Hung Parliament and Sterling with: "The hole in the bottom of"
Brian Stoner replied to a question: Salve tutti da Nottingham with: "Welcome Conrad, you obvioulsy"
Brian Stoner replied to a question: Learning Italian!! with: "Listen to on line Italian"
Brian Stoner replied to a question: New member, living in Perth Australia. with: "Welcome Angela, enjoy the"
Brian Stoner replied to a question: car from ireland to sicily with: "Consider travelling across UK"
Brian Stoner replied to a question: Inheritance rights of common law partners with: "I once read that holding an"
Brian Stoner replied to a question: English usage in Italy with: "Friends of mine went to Italy"
Brian Stoner replied to a question: Understanding spoken Italian with: "Thank you for that link -"
Brian Stoner replied to a question: new arrivals........... with: "Congratulations and welcome"
Brian Stoner replied to a question: First post under the new system with: "Lake Trasimeno is a wonderful"