User Activity
bunterboy replied to a question: Do Italian plumbers understand thermal stores? with: "Thanks for that Sagraiasolar,"
bunterboy replied to a question: Free energy at no cost with: "At least that heat pump"
bunterboy replied to a question: Entering meter reading on Enel website with: "Once you've logged in and"
bunterboy replied to a question: Italy to Scotland by car with: "Rotterdam to Hull (P&O) is"
bunterboy replied to a question: Fine for parking legally in disabled parking space with: "Similar thing happened to us"
bunterboy replied to a question: Prescriptions etc with: "America the land of the free"
bunterboy replied to a question: Renting with: "There seems to be some tax"
bunterboy replied to a question: Driving To Italy - Route Finder with: "Google maps does that too,"
bunterboy replied to a question: TV from router to screen? with: "And me.."
bunterboy replied to a question: Land purchase taxes and charges with: "I'd like a sea view. Sigh."