User Activity
getsett replied to a question: IMU - have the categories changed? with: "Thanks everyone. It was just"
getsett replied to a question: Language School Needed in Florence, Recommendations Needed for CD's with: "Language school in Florence"
getsett replied to a question: Hi everybody with: " Welcome Agnelli. I am glad"
getsett replied to a question: Austerity measure in Italy with: "Hi Ram. Thank you very much"
getsett replied to a question: COLD WEATHER AND ENERGY SUPPLIES with: "Thanks for update Fillide re"
getsett replied to a question: Fishing licence with: "Thanks Spud. Sorry for"
getsett replied to a question: TV gone bust? advice please with: "We bought a new Samsung from"
getsett replied to a question: Christmas book list with: " Hi Angie and"
getsett replied to a question: Austerity measure in Italy with: "Thanks Fillide. That is"
getsett replied to a question: COMFORT DRINKS AND FOOD FOR AN ICY WINTER with: "Great recipes Gala Placidia -"