User Activity
Heiko replied to a question: Hello all! with: "Hi again, I know what you"
Heiko replied to a question: How to look after an allotment (this time with a question attached!) with: "I just realised I got a"
Heiko replied to a question: Alice or Tiscali? with: "not a techie either"
Heiko replied to a question: New Member with: "Welcome to the Lunigiana. "
Heiko replied to a question: Guardian Article with: "What's your speciality?"
Heiko replied to a question: Natural swimming ponds with: "What a great idea! "
Heiko replied to a question: Kercher case verdict to avoid brutta figura? with: "Well that got a discussion"
Heiko replied to a question: Would you vote Berlusconi if you were Italian? with: "Lega Nord"
Heiko replied to a question: New Member with: "Yes, you're right. It's not"
Heiko replied to a question: Guardian Article with: "Artichokes, hmmm! When is"