User Activity
karenr replied to a question: No flights in Nov/Dec ,Ryanair, Stanstead to Ancona...whats going on? with: "Just too early"
karenr replied to a question: Dog Kennels with: "If you get stuck and don't"
karenr replied to a question: Advice on Internet connection in Marche? with: "Been there and done that"
karenr replied to a question: Whether or not to buy a rustico with land to demolish and rebuild with: "After looking for a long time"
karenr replied to a question: Lo scudo fiscale with: "So how does that help?"
karenr replied to a question: Flowering shrubs with: "Thanks Andrew"
karenr replied to a question: INPS – do I need to register? with: "I believe so"
karenr replied to a question: Taxation (again!) with: "Michael J Murphy ACA"
karenr replied to a question: Kindle with: "Have 3G version"
karenr replied to a question: Removing Sun Screen stains from linen with: "Tried all the above to no avail"