User Activity
Lorraine replied to a question: No more satellite BBC Radio in Europe?? with: "And no doubt there will be"
Lorraine replied to a question: Mystery Object with: " I agree with the"
Lorraine replied to a question: Dave and Carol with: "Deepest Sympathy"
Lorraine replied to a question: And there was me thinking it couldn't get any worse... with: "Ditch the Red!"
Lorraine replied to a question: Learning Italian!! with: "Michel Thomas"
Lorraine replied to a question: wood burner central heating with: "We've been looking at"
Lorraine replied to a question: Chelsea........ with: "And well done Leeds for"
Lorraine replied to a question: Sicily Unpacked (BBC programme) with: "I agree with Fillide"
Lorraine replied to a question: spammed in pms? with: "No, just be thankful"
Lorraine replied to a question: Italian Time with: "How true!"