User Activity
myabruzzohome replied to a question: dispute with geometra with: "We have been in this"
myabruzzohome replied to a question: Place to stay in Switzerland - en route to Italy with: "We found a lovely little bed"
myabruzzohome replied to a question: Wild birds in snowy weather with: "AHH don't stop the swifts as"
myabruzzohome replied to a question: Obituary Richard Soar / Barn Elms with: "Richard"
myabruzzohome replied to a question: Bitten dog? with: "try it"
myabruzzohome replied to a question: Solar hot water - again with: "well..."
myabruzzohome replied to a question: Wood Burning Stove.. with: "stoves"
myabruzzohome replied to a question: Repairing our roof with: "considerations"
myabruzzohome replied to a question: tips for driving to Italy in an ancient camper van with: "Giovanni I will take the"
myabruzzohome replied to a question: Best way to keep stone house mould free?? with: "You may have to put away all"