User Activity
sebastiano replied to a question: New facebook page with: ""feisbuc""
sebastiano replied to a question: police checking unofficial tourist "houses" owned by brits with: "in the article..."
sebastiano replied to a question: Christmas bonus Postino/Postina with: "donna leon?"
sebastiano replied to a question: Gas Prices with: "gas#2"
sebastiano replied to a question: new obligation...starting now. with: "on the subject...."
sebastiano replied to a question: Quad bikes with: "hi Anne,i've just spent a bit"
sebastiano replied to a question: Unicredit on-line banking with: "IBAN NUMBERS"
sebastiano replied to a question: Going it alone with: "nursing"
sebastiano replied to a question: Electricity & gas - Edison advertising campaign - 20% saving. What do you think? with: "electricity"