User Activity

sprostoni replied to a question: 3 Weeks in Wonderful Italy with: "Deary deary me............"
sprostoni replied to a question: UK Bank account, italian address? with: "Hmmmm"
sprostoni replied to a question: Hot or Wot !!? with: "Oh joy Joy!"
sprostoni replied to a question: Wood Burning Stove.. with: "Advertising ??!!"
sprostoni replied to a question: Does the PM facility here work with: "Reply out of courtesy"
sprostoni replied to a question: Residency VS Non Residency with: "definitely ex-pat here"
sprostoni replied to a question: Plastic shopping bags with: "VERY quick!"
sprostoni replied to a question: Prescriptions etc with: "Thanks"
sprostoni replied to a question: WINTER HEATING COSTS with: "BRAVO !!!"
sprostoni replied to a question: Intasure with: "Who are they?"