User Activity
Ugo replied to a question: Hello apart from the tax savings with: "okay okay, maybe here,"
Ugo replied to a question: I am keen to know, in the current with: "for Gala"
Ugo replied to a question: We have recently paid off our mortgage with: "From bank , the payment"
Ugo replied to a question: "Le Marche": the sole Italian region with: "Le Marche reason of the name "
Ugo replied to a question: Is anypne having difficulty accessing with: "Hello, Helen "
Ugo replied to a question: An alternate to ENEL. For all of us with: "use this > http://www"
Ugo replied to a question: Tomato Soup with: ""
Ugo replied to a question: Hi I am looking to purchase a property with: "distinguished lady G. "
Ugo replied to a question: Ciao, don't laught I'm called Mario and with: "sorry , no phone number on"
Ugo replied to a question: I have my maiden name on my codice with: "yes . moment sorry "