User Activity
Valentina+c replied to a question: Italian Lesson - when to use Congiuntivo (Subjective) with: " Hi Helen, that's nice that"
Valentina+c replied to a question: Hello with: "Welcome to the Piazza"
Valentina+c replied to a question: Hello! with: "welcome to the Piazza"
Valentina+c replied to a question: Any Idea with: "posting twice"
Valentina+c replied to a question: Italian lesson - contratto di lavoro a tempo determinato with: " Hi George,I'm afraid I"
Valentina+c replied to a question: new member - old resident with: "welcome and best wished"
Valentina+c replied to a question: Naples with: "searching for naples' info"
Valentina+c replied to a question: Community Spirit with: "just to say Grazie"
Valentina+c replied to a question: South vs North with: "news"