Hi again!!Introductions, why not? Well, here we go again! :

05/24/2009 - 19:02

Hi again!!

Introductions, why not? Well, here we go again! :-)

I've been living and working in Calabria for 10 years now - as one of the very few English speaking expats who have stayed here so long, I can sincerely say that the move was worth it! I teach English here and I put my creative skills in running my own website on Calabria. Italymag has moved too I see! But I like many of you hope that I'll get the hang of this!

What is the Groups:audience/community guide.../ public for???

I hope that this new "community" will be as good as the old forum! Do we still have a "regions " page?

Buon lavoro!


if you look at the top of the page there is a green option " create content"click on that you can go to create group...  click on that you can set up a calabrian area... which in a sense to me makes a more valid community space if it is set up by someone from the area... and with ten years there you will know more than most...keep it public if possible... gets you more interest...  and really from what i can see the group thing works well ... Marche seems to be flying along... so it will be good to see some competition...  obviously when Ronald set p this way of things he was thinking of sunny days on the beach... and letting us all get on with our own thing... makes a lot of sense and i think if you have the time... it would be an excellent step to take...Gala i think posted on groups ... and her thoughts seemed to be that if you are willing to put in a bit of time... keep up interest and new info then they go along quite nicely... i chickened out a bit on the work side and opted to do a pets one... which is obviously going to have input with little work... because everyone seems to have a dog cat or chicken... and a story to tell    

Thanks Adriatica!Slight glitch though! I'm not authorised to open a group! :-( Maybe it's because I only joined yesterday? I'm a community "visitor" now!   I wonder if Ronald can do something?

In reply to by tinacara


I hope you will enjoy the new community as much as possible. The more content you'll create the faster you will upgrade from "community visitor" to "community member".

Click here to read more:


Giving the fact you live in Calabria, you'll probably appreciate this travel story about Tropea:


and..giving the fact that you are an English teacher, you'll easily find a lot of mistakes in my speech, I guess. Just hope you get it all.

Enjoy the community. bye



 Hi tinacara,  Welcome.  I set up a group on Friday and it's only just appearing.  Yes you have to be a full member beforehand.  That takes a few days too!!!  A presto,  Regards sempre_italia

 There seems to be a delay of posts appearing.  On the main page I see Valentina has just posted but at this point niente  .....