New comunity member

10/13/2010 - 07:04

I have been living in Italy from 1971. I have got used to the Italian ways of live; I accept it but I am unable to preform Italian. After so many years I am unable to use the car horn, even though it is a mandatory accessory in Campania. I must say that, even though there are many come backs, I would not change the Italian way of Life (what ever region) with the English one. Every time I go to England I can not wait to get back to Italy. Does anybody have similar experiences or am i the mad one ? I have just joined and I see that there are a lot of British living in Italy, even though it is not a simple country to live in. bye


Welcome to the forum fjapelling I completely agree with you 'Italy is Italy' at the moment I commute between the UK and Paestum which is not far away from you but I hope to move over permanently in the new year. 

It's really quite difficult to understand for me because there are things that really do frustrate me about the place but you are absolutely right: there is something about the place that is impossible not to love Welcome to the forum F

Hi, I'm Pat and I live in Sicily. I certainly don't think you are mad or, if you are, I am too! Italy is certtainly not an easy country to live in but like you, I do not want to live anywhere else! Pat

Hi there, I completely understand how you have fallen under the spell of Italy! I have recently discovered my family who live in Cava d'Tirreni. My wife & I have fallen in love with the place and are hoping to buy a small property in the not too distant future! Tony