Hello........ I’m new to this

Gio....... Image
04/19/2019 - 00:26

Hello........ I’m new to this beautiful Italian community! I want to thank you all for having me . My parents where both born in Italy . I speak Italian and I love Italy ! Would anyone know about an atto di vendita. My father had it drawn up 40yrs ago registered with the Italian Consolate and again I took it with me in 1998 and yet the names on our the property have never been changed. The properties are in Cosenza . Does anyone know a honest attorney that can take the bull by horns and help me?



Prendi l'atto di vendita , nella prima pagina trovi il nome e le coordinate del notaio, che lo ha firmato e registrato - Lui aveva l'obbligo di fare la trascrizione al nuovo proprietario, chiedi a Lui, di farla - Se non trovi il Notaio, un qualsiasi geometra , con la copia dell'atto di vendita , per pochi euro, può controllare e aggiornare la trascrizione immobiliare –Nel link che segue , le coordinate di alcuni geometriTake the deed of sale, on the first page you will find the name and contact details of the notary, who signed and registered it - He was obliged to transcribe it to the new owner, ask him to do it - if you don't find the Notary, any surveyor, with a copy of the deed of sale, for a few euros, can check and update the real estate transcription –On the following link, some survejors coordinateBuona Pasqua , Ugo by Lifeinitaly.ithttp://www.lifeinitaly.it/Servizi_Immobiliari/professionisti.php

Do you mean your father bought a property 40 years ago?     Is the property in the names of the people who sold the property to your father 40 years ago?   Who did the sale -  an Italian notary?  Can you explain the situation a bit?  

This what I was saying that these properties belong to my father befor he came to the United States.  So he had the atto di vendita drawn up that was 40 yrs. ago and registered it with the Italian consolate and pay a fee of over $ 500.00 back in day. Then I went in 1998 took the original autto with me went to the appropriate people to see why this atto was never executed. They looked at the atto and confirmed that it was a legal document and put the seal ( Sigilla ) and said that they would transfer my name onto those properties! Still to this day nothing has been done. Need more information let me know.

if the property has not yet been registered in your father's name, the reason may be different - the first that comes to mind is that the seller could not dispose of the property he sold, in other words, he was not the real owner.

These properties belonged to my father! They stil are in my fathers name! I have hired a person to check for me and nobody is able to find anything! What needs to be done ? Any attorney recommendation for that region? Thanks 

Hi!Welcome to the community :) You can contact the attorneys at Luxury Law - International Law Firm ( www.luxury-law.com ).If it is a simple and straightforward matter, they might give you a first advice for free.They work in the entire Italian territory.Good luck!

I don't know any lawyers in the area, but I repeat that here you need a Surveyor, who with the copy of the deed of purchase in your hand (your father's first name, last name, date of birth and tax number), goes to the land registry office and he makes a VISA BY APPOINTMENT - then with the particle numbers - he makes A VISION BY PARTICLE - crossing the data obtained - from the two surveys, he discovers what are the properties of your father, and on behalf of who are currently registered, the properties that you turn out to be his - The lawyer, can only appoint a surveyor, because he wouldn't know how to make a cadastral survey - the surveyors for the region, which I know, can be found hereNon conosco avvocati in zona , ma ripeto che qui' serve un Geometra , che con la copia dell'atto di acquisto in mano, ( nome , cognome, data di nascita e codice fiscale  di tuo padre ) , va all'ufficio del catasto e fa una VISURA PER NOMINATIVO - poi con i numeri delle particelle - fa UNA VISURA PER PARTICELLA - incrociando i dati ottenuti  - dalle due visure , scopre quali sono le proprietà di tuo padre , e a nome di  chi sono attualmente registrate , le proprietà che a te risultano sue - L'avvocato, puo' solo incaricare un geometra , perchè lui non saprebbe come fare una visura  catastale - i geometri per la regione , che io conosco , li trovi qui http://www.lifeinitaly.it/Servizi_Immobiliari/professionisti.php 

Hello sir:I  read your post you sent me. So I wrote to Geometra in the Calabria region about the Atto De Vendita that my father had done over forty yrs. ago. I never have got a response for the Geometra . I was going to write again but I don’t see a Geometra for that region! It is for Grimaldi Cosenza. Regards