Italian passport.  I am sorry if this has

11/10/2020 - 11:58

Italian passport. 


I am sorry if this has been covered before, but just looking for a brief idea. I understand that the process of obtaining an Italian passport can be arduous. 

In principle if both my grandparents were Italian by birth, moved to the UK in approx 1940 do I qualify for a passport. 





You can apply for citizenship "jure sanguinis". I'm not an expert but you may have to have a direct line, i.e. that your mother or father have to be/become an Italian citizen first. But otherwise fairly straightforward. see

The main problem may be acquiring your grandparents documents.

I'm currently suing the Italian state to acquire citizenship as my Italian mother lost hers when she married my father, an English soldier, in 1947

Thanks for that. Good luck with your process, not an easy task but one step at a time. 

My father acquired his Italian citizenship a few years ago via his parents roots, 

Can I assume that as my father has technically always been an Italian citizen including when I was born I qualify, or after I turned 18 does it all change? 

if your paternal grandparents were Italian, their son: your father, too, is Italian by birth, so if he has not renounced Italian citizenship, during his life, you, who are his son, are Italian, for birth - every Italian has the right to an Italian passport - I don't see the problem

but you haven't lived with your father, you never asked him these things ?

anyway, if your grandparents were Italian, your father was born Italian - and if for reasons you don't know, he also had an Italian passport, the fact that at 65 he received an Italian one, in my thought, it just means he had double passport -

If you are not an Italian citizen at birth, it is possible that in the country where you were born, there was the possibility to choose the nationality of the unborn child. In Italy, children receive the citizenship of the father, only if the mother is not of Italian citizenship, and the father does not recognize them as his own.

Your father will almost certainly have had dual citizenship. It's not possible for all countries but is for UK and Italy

a question that may seem silly ..., but .., on your birth certificate, what is written, for the citizenship of your parents?

It does and at that time my father only had his British passport. Approx 50 years after my birth he applied and received his Italian citizenship. 

I will be starting the process very soon just wanted an idea if it would be possible via my father's status or if I would need to go back to my Nonno and Nonna. 

so you were registered at birth, English citizen!

A question, if you allow, why do you want Italian citizenship, more than 50 years after your birth?

Lately I have noticed that the number of people, born and registered with citizenships, the most varied, however outside Italy, who desire Italian citizenship has increased. While, every day, the Italian citizens, who emigrate, to have a better life, increase.

If emigration does not surprise me at all, instead I am amazed by this immigration, <bureaucratic>, most of those who obtain Italian citizenship, then remain to live in the country in which they were born that gave them their first citizenship .

No problem with the question. 

I have a house in Italy, I visit about 5 times a year and spend about 6 weeks there in the summer. In the future I would like to spend more time. With brexit I don't want the situation where after a 6 month tourist visa expires and I would have to drive to Switzerland and then reenter Italy to get another 6 month visa. 


Remember, (assuming you are from the UK) that if you are out if the UK for more than 6 months (continuous), you (in theory,) lose the right to NHS services when you return. And any travel insurance and car insurance is similarly time limited

Am surprised to hear the NHS news. Have worked abroad extensively over the last 30 years and never had an issue on returning with the health service.

Also not sure how that fits with an issue the NHS has been having with overseas nationals using the health service. 


I think all you need to do if you return to England and are asked at hospital or the GPs (which I doubt and has never happened to us) is show them your UK passport.

I was able to get my Italian citizenship because my father was born before my grandfather renounced his Italian citizenship to gain U.S. citizenship.  Since my father was born to Italians, he was considered Italian.  He never needed to renounce his Italian citizenship because the U.S. automatically gave citizenship to the children of new citizens and their spouses.  I learned of this law (juris Sanguinis) in 2005 and made two trips to Italy to my grandfather's birth town and secured an official copy of his birth certificate.  That process took about 1 hour, once we got to the town and to the Ufficio.  Funny thing, the men in the Ufficio both had my surname, but were of no direct relationship, so far as we could figure.  I used the birth certificate prove my eligibility for Italian citizenship.  Once I got the citizenship (3 years long process), I was easily able to get a passport.  When I went to renew that passport in early 2020, the Consulato took my fingerprints, my $60, and the completed form, as well as my old passport with the corner now cut to show it was no longer valid.  Within two weeks, I had a new passport in the mail.  The three year long citizenship process was the challenge.  I also secured citizenship for my children at the same time.  I had 30 sets of official documents translated into Italian.  That was the most expensive part of the process, close to $1000, but the translator was excellent.  She worked for a law firm in LA and often translated for people like me.  



Thanks for that, very helpful.

Your situation mirrors! Very closely. 

So am I correct in saying you require the birth certificate of the closest relative born in Italy. Ie my Nonno and Nonna?

And did you require anything ing more from you father other than his Italian passport? (birth, marriage certificates etc?)



Well, not exactly.  There were certain rules governing whether it was your paternal side or maternal side, depending on ascendants dates of immigration, etc.  So, in my case, I had to verify through my father's father and retrieved my grandfather's birth record from Italy.  It was necessary to have the most recent ascendant's record of whether he renounced his Italian citizenship.  Though my grandfather did, my father never did because he did not need to.  Thus, he remained an Italian citizen by birth.  It was unimportant regarding my Italian grandmother's history as to my eligibility, but I did have to retrieve her birth record, as well, which I did.  





If your father has his passport then this will mean he has his citizenship. You cannot have a passport without being a citizen. Do you know if your father processed his in the UK or the town in italy that his parents were born? 


Are you planning to apply in the UK at the Italian embassy? If so, I can send the list of documents you will need. It would be faster if your father did his in the UK but not necessary. 


Let me know if you need more details. 





Ok well that's all pretty easy is a list of what you will need.

An original of your birth certificate that the embassy will keep - not sure if you can order online the UK but easy to do here. If you are married or divorced or both you will need originals of these too.

You need to have all 3 documents translated by an approved translator - there will be a list on the Italian embassy UK website.

You then need to have the 3 original English docs apostle by your UK government to prove they are original and true documents.

Your Italian embassy over there has a register online to make a booking so do that and then you should be ready to take yours proof in, basically they will open your dads file and see that you are a continuation of his citizenship so you shouldn't need any details about that.

There will be an aire form to complete which is Italian residents living abroad which they send your family comune. 


Any questions let me know :) 

I looked into this as well and it seem fairly specific.  Back in the day I do not think dual citizenship was allowed so when my Grandfather took his American citizenship oath, he had to denounce his Italian citizenship.  If your parents (of Italian decent) were born prior to your Grandfather becoming a citizen of another country, you qualify.  In my case my Grandmother was pregnant with my father at the time so I do not qualify but it is my understanding that in such cases the residency requirement is reduced from 10 years to 3.