Hello from Candida,Avellino

07/23/2009 - 11:47

Hello everybody.Well finally after a long time,we are about to move into our new villa in Candida,Avellino. (Yes,I know the name is awful!!)Its a beautiful little village in the mountains and we have a gorgeous new home.Just from going there to watch it being built,we have made many friends with the locals already.I now have to plan the packing,moving and settling in. Then there are 2 large gardens to get planting,and ,of course,I have to learn the lingo!!Should keep me busy for a while.!!! Theres a nice Sporting club just 2 mins walk away,with a swimming pool for those relaxing days too.Cant wait to finally become a resident and settle down. Anybody near me or knows the area at all?



I'm certain many have already experienced the big move and will find plenty of answers! I'm wondering if you are getting well with all documents required for living in Italy. This is something that usually troubles many expats. So feel free to post any question, you may always find someone who could help you!Anyway, hope you'll have a nice journey to Italy and that it all goes well!Ah! thanks for joining the Italy Community!!!Valentina

Hi. Hope you have many happy hours, days and years in your new home.

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

hi there,welcome..and we are in the avellino area..in a small village called Nusco.....do you know it?

In reply to by estherina34

Hi estherina.I dont know Nusco,though I know its not far from Candida. Maybe when we are settled in we can meet up.Have you been there long? Are you permanent or just holidays?To everybody else - thanks for your wishes.Yes I was on the old forum. I've been really busy and only just got back,but will be enjoying this new forum from now on. Especially for help with my new gardens.Oh and my name is just my surname extended. Does it mean something bad or what?

We spent part of our holiday in May in Avillo, staying in a an Agriturismo near Contrado.  Can't remember Candida, but definitely remember Nusco, had a very memorable lunch with Antonio in Locando di Bu.  There is a trip report here somewhere under 'Campania'.Hope everything goes well with the move and settling in and life in Avellino!

In reply to by PennyAW

hi there,we go nusco on fri and want to visit this restuarant please,where abouts in nusco is it please! look forward to hearing from you!esther x

Durobird. Might I suggest strongly that you think carefully about your user name here. A duro is not necessarily what you think it might be. On the other hand, you may really be THAT attractive... 

I recall that Bossi was always having a bit of a duro. When he was younger, of course. Never mind, eh? A smile is a smile and a duro is.. :) 

hi ive sent you a PM what the word means! we go nusco on fr till 6 sept,are you about?! be great to meet up and exchange experiences! look forward to hearing from you...esther

We had no directions for the restaurant and and I am not entirely sure I can remember how we found it...  we parked in a square in the middle of the town and asked at a tabac closeby, they pointed down a very small street, and as we started walking down there realised there was a signpost to the restaurant... as we went down the street there was an even smaller one (more of an alley) off to the left with three chefs sitting in the sun!    If I can find some proper directions I will put them on.  We heard of the restaurant from the 'Food and Wine of Naples and Campania' by Carla Capalbo, and absolutely invaluable book if you are visiting the area as there are no detailed guidebooks that I know of.  It is available on Amazon.Do look for the restaurant and if Antonio remembers the two brits who wandered in during May and stayed for lunch and ate and drank everything he produced for us say hello from us!  We'll never forget it.