how many messages

adriatica Image
09/05/2009 - 13:06

 i sent out i though a message..using a broadcast option... now i sent one and it came back as if nothing had i did it again with the same type of message just an additional thought...  i thought it was a wonderful and easy way of doing things however it doesnt really say if its done anything so back to a simple post...i want/need someone to take over admin of this group... the message also says in my opinion all of you are worthy and if i get more than one offer ...we choose on the toss of  a coin...  because no one would be a member here if animal welfare was not a concern.. whoever takes over will have my support for sure... and everyone elses .. this group needs a person with a bit more time to spend on it  ... get a bit more discusion going ...and i am not that person because i rarely am able to initiate posts in public without getting attacks on various other forums for anything i say... apparentley starting a new post is available to all and sundry replies are not...  i know that various people will take my replies across the various roads in anycase..  but its just getting a little bit tedious for me..  and this subject desrves a better person with less frictional capability than I... who generally goes off like a nuclear bomb when they have had enough... and i feel like theres a bit of fission brewing now thanks


Thanks for the invite John but I, like you, feel I have enough on my plate at the moment without taking on this worthy position. Good luck in your search for a deputy; and the Broadcast function does work and is a good way to contact many I suppose...

 gromit... i now realise one should never press buttons before knowing what they do...  had one answer which hopefully will work out...

I also receive the message, John. I do hope that you will reconsider as you do a great job. Perhaps getting a helper may be an idea.  As Grommit says, many of us have too much on our plates already. Best wishes.