words by Silvia Donati
The 16th annual Festival del Prosciutto di Parma (Parma Ham Fest) begins Friday, September 6, in and around Parma. The event, part of the three-month-long Wine Food Festival Emilia-Romagna, is a celebration of what is considered the finest type of prosciutto, Parma ham. The festival takes place in 12 towns in the province of Parma, including Parma itself, Collecchio, Felino and Langhirano (where the Museo del Prosciutto – Ham Museum - is located).
One of the most appreciated festival moments is Finestre Aperte (Open Windows): participants have the chance to enter a prosciuttificio (ham factory) and observe the cycle of production that transforms a pork’s thigh into Parma ham: a combination of climate, tradition, expertise and passion.
Parma ham represents an important boost to the region's economy; it involves 150 producing companies, 4,300 pig farms and 3,000 employees, with a turnover of 1.5 million Euro.
Parma ham doesn’t just taste good, it’s also nutritious and healthy. The strict production regulations of the Parma Ham Consortium forbid the use of chemical substances, preservatives or other additives. Low fat content, easily digestible proteins, mineral salts and vitamins make it suitable for everyone. Look for the Consortium’s logo, a five-pointed ducal crown, for the real deal.
Free tastings, cultural appointments, music and the chance to discover the area complement the festival, which continues until September 22.
The Wine Food Festival Emilia-Romagna is a celebration of the region’s best food and wine, with 27 events celebrating 38 products from September to December. Some of the delicacies that inspire the celebrations include mortadella, culatello, truffle, porcino mushroom, Ortrugo and Malvasia wines, Parmigiano Reggiano, Lambrusco and more.
For more information on the Parma Ham Festival, please visit: http://www.festivaldelprosciuttodiparma.com/en/default.aspx
For information about the Wine Food Festival Emilia-Romagna, please visit: http://www.winefoodemiliaromagna.com/index.php?lang=en
Parma Ham Festival Begins Friday In And Around Parma

Topic: Prosciutto food festival Parma ham Festival
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