adriatica's activity

Questions Asked

i read this report and thought its worth letting others see.. to be honest its only likely to happen in spain because of the scale of the expat numbers.. but you do see it here too in smaller ways .. saw it in devon and suffolk with incomers..

Sat, 05/21/2011 - 05:19

on the old forum there was a long debate over the rubbish dump in Bussi ..

Wed, 05/11/2011 - 05:25

looking into residency once more where certain requirements are more than clear even for EU citizens and there are a wealth of laws and forms to fill in even for those of you that think you can just travel to your home here whenever you like and t

Tue, 03/29/2011 - 06:51

yesterday morning driving to Teramo it seemed like the world had dumped an awful lot of rain.. then started looking at the news..

Thu, 03/03/2011 - 04:03

overseas agents fraud this is not an italian related story but easily could be...

Wed, 02/16/2011 - 04:13

heres quite a simplistic video from you tube regarding houses and the types of property that are secure its a thing i used to go on about a lot.. this explains better than most words..

Tue, 02/15/2011 - 06:11

not sure if the link will work..

Tue, 02/15/2011 - 04:50

Another old but new law has passed its date of compliance and to be honest its having an effect already the whole of Italy has been mapped from above and the photographed properties have been or are being compared against their catastal registrati

Wed, 01/26/2011 - 06:20

the other day Brunetta, the minister of public administrtaion spent an hour or so telling us all about the new laws that are now active from yesterday regarding how citizens and business will have new and improved access    its all based around 2

Wed, 01/26/2011 - 06:00

on the news and in the papers today a report from the lega ambiente and the civil protection group..ok...

Wed, 12/09/2009 - 17:22

Comments posted

Thu, 07/23/2009 - 17:20

 of course you do... its the same as england... you might well be able to receive only the tv channels you want but having the means to receive tv signals...your satelite dish would mean that you are capable of retrieving italian tv... thats how they think ... in any case you cannot legally receive sky uk here ... simple... if you cared to write to sky uk and explain your sitation they would cancel your basically i would say pay up ... and just keep quite about your illegal side of viewing in case questions get asked... 

Thu, 07/23/2009 - 17:10

 hes about the only person in Italy that manages to get anything done... an open and honest crook ...  with a pretty good sense of humour...historically what was the choice... a prodi gov with the communists pulling the strings... del pietro a certified lunatic... both names mentioned involved deeply in criminality of a darker shade  than mr b...  prodi had attempt made on the life of a magistrate inetigating him and both he and his family take zillions from the EU via so called research projects... let alone his vatican sponsorship...PD now is a lost cause... you tell me maybe who you would suggest runs the party ... then maybe it would be possible to say if i woiuld vote along with most Italians for berlusconi...a sure thing is that i wouldnt be voting in the last lot because they increased taxs to a degree that most Italians feel they cannot manage on their salaries...  and raised costs of all services...  increased regulations against open business and guaranteed a system of pensions that no other country in the world can afford...   bring on more berlusconi... sick days in the comunes have reduced by a huge percentage... cause they now have to go to work or loose their jobs...  Abuzzo has political leaders now that dont spend the hospital money in switzerland...  investigations in the south as to why comunes have more employees than citizens...  all services down in price..although tax remains the same...

Thu, 07/23/2009 - 10:11

 lorraine on the right hand side of the screen is a box see below


adriatica does not have a status.  you just fill in a simple message by clicking within the box  and then press save and it appears as a message on the bottom part of the piazza screen... your status appears then as what you have typed... a simple form of sending a message ... like twitter or that sort of thing  

Thu, 07/23/2009 - 06:55

 would help if you gave the name/number of the form... cause if you are resident the form if its for the comune tax should not apply... i think that also if you are joint owners you should be sent two forms...each owner filling in their own...  however it could also be the italian income tax form where there is a notional value regarding the estimated rental for your property...low...  it really depends on a lot more input from you as to status here as to what form you are talking about... as Valentina is helping anyway best to wait till she talks to her friend... the other option is take it to a bookeeper local to you and have him/her do the calculations and fill in the form... limited costs of around 10-30 euro....if its you dont live or work here

Wed, 07/22/2009 - 12:35

 because we do not deal in rentals cannot add to the observation re how long...however to add to your experience ...  recentley the comune sold off by auction a very nice property close to the town center...occupied by an old lady...  the public open auction so called... meant that the ladies son refused to show you the property...although you had to sign a paer for the auction saying you had seen it, the mayor of the comune, now ex, when asked to arrange a vist just said to see the son, in a meeting jusdt kept his eyes fixed to the floor.,.. well one, the other spontaneously wanders whereever... anyway if you did manage to buy the property the woman and her heirs had rights to the place...  although because the son owned another place or rented it am not sure he could have been seen as in need, the rental she paid... 800 euro a year... fixed... if you placed an auction was signed bids... the son had a right to enter a second bid to yours after it had been opened either equal or higher... so when all bids were opened the son had the final say... plus his mother had occupancythe auction day arrived and suprise no bids apart from the sons... way below market price... funny thing was that its the ex comune library/record office... which we only wanted the ground floor of... the comunes geometra said that it would be good for us ...obviously hadnt spoken to the ex mayor ...  we were willing to bid at the comunes valuation... and to sign to let the mother live in the apartment above until she died... at the rental of the past... bloody hell shes 90 plus and although they do live long down here we dont really need an apartment ...anyway there are lots of rules regarding rentals... not just for those that rent... be careful on the contract you sign anyway...which should be registered but can tie you in for longer than you far as i know... the only people that can chuck old or infirm peiople out of rented accomodation here is the catholic church... they are italies biggest landlords and the vatican recentley worked out that their aprtments in city centres were not earning their true potential earnings...under the guise of updating they moved their tenants out... and now they cannot get back.. the places are full of the new rich here with lovely historic updated town centre pads...  all this before the recent crisis ... and the vatican smiling all the way to the bank... some of its ex tenats now living on the streets   

Wed, 07/22/2009 - 10:16

 sorry to interupt the amrche apreciation group...people will all have their own preferences ... france is quickest most probably... you have to add in tolls... come down through the mont blanc... stop... i would say anywhere before the tunnel if you can... in the Jura...pull off motorway and turn up at a village hotel.. almost all that type of hotel allow dogs... lots of people do the belgium strasbourg swiss route...... cannot really see the sense if you can handle the french tolls... certainly no quicker... was up at mont blanc from nothern abruzzo the other day... 7 hours...   came back from salzburg via brenner/innsbruck about the same...... if you aim to average your journet at 110 km per hour... not speed travel time... then that will give you a good idea of where to break... you will know your ferry times etc... i never pre book anything... cause it meaNS A GOOD TRIP CAN SEE YOU PAST THE BOOKING PLACE..(RARELY)... A SLOW TRIP MEANS YOU HAVE TO KEEP PUSHING TO ARRIVE... ... sorry pressed the caps lock...and too hot to bother re typing...besides am useless at that whatever have an excellent trip down and tell us all about it

Wed, 07/22/2009 - 09:47

 dogs not cats and i could do with some help on the cat all info and cat type postings more than welcome...recall from old days that someone was setting up either a dog or cat boarding place in the marche... and believe... other members will correct if wrong that it didnt really get sure that the idea will work... would suggest at least a couple of things before you move see if  your profesional body has any relationship with italy... qualifications in the EU are supposed to be transferable...  so see if they have reciprocal arrangements...  and if so get your qualification translated into Italianwhat and where you buy... now we are estate agents as well as dog owners... get someone working for you that will ensure that a property you buy will be allowed to have a construction...even cats homes allowed on the land... dont accept an estate agents opinion have int written in blood... could be worth once you have short listed a few places having charlotte oliver check what can and cannot be done... an english speaking italian solicitor...learn italian...quickly... unless you can get a englsih speaking accountant to help deal with the buisiness set up... marche people will know more on that.. although if you take the solicitor route they might well be able to help finally dont discount the Italian market...we are an english speaking estate agency... and also because my wife is Italian work with that market too..  at first we concentrated on foreign buyers... but to be honest they are often more work ...and we now deal at least 50/50 with locals as well... easier cause they know the law.. speak italian and do not expect us to get the water conected... and they are happy ith our fees.. and dont write about us on forums......  seriously... the UK market here is small... even in the marche..  make sure you set up to take all foreigners... there are much more danes,germans ..dutch.. plus by far the biggest market is italian.. and unlss you buy south of the Pescara/Roma line then with few exceptions animals are regarded as family memebers and people will pay to have them looked after ..well  

Mon, 07/20/2009 - 09:07

 this is far outside the scope of  general knowledge re selling properties here... and calls for a much more refined way of answering that question when asked ...not wanting to get into personal details but there is seemingly a fair amount of people that make this move that are partners out of to speak ...often with other families and i know we advice clients to speak to someone in the know... when a seperation is the case... not divorce... but its a legal minefield that we prefer to send clients with an out of the norm first marriage status with or without kids to at least email Charlotte... so more than happy to see this question up front and being discusses... like Liz said above... things unless clearly written could drag on for yonks and at a time when maybe you would not wish them to...finally have had Charlotte attend various final acts and have seen legal discusions taking place during that process in order that couples, married or not, can buy the house in the name they want... because Italian notaries in general have no idea of the laws regarding non italians... another subject i know.. but maybe its a thing that should be sorted before you buy... maybe it would make it easier ...dont know

Fri, 07/17/2009 - 09:46

 angiegood idea... getting a list in alphebetical regional?provincial order would be the problem... not sure how wiki type things work but that micght be a suitable way...  and then having it as a fixed posting... am sure there must be a way to do all this...just me that cannot work it out...  if you have more knowledge on how the site works and a way to do this...  or anyone else for that matter then i list like that would be of benefit to all pet owners....

Answer to: geco
Thu, 07/16/2009 - 15:57

 here you will see most often the common wall gecko you will find that there are plenty unrelated and yet not if you are interested in local reserves here in Abruzzo is a good site and this area, a natural reserve mentions that it has both the common wall and mediteranean geckos... plus lots of other reptiles...and is reasonably close... in pescara