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 This is making the headlines..

Fri, 12/04/2009 - 13:20

  its not aimed at any politician ...or party...because its true everywhere.. down to the smallest comune.. Alle prossime elezioni , io voto Ali' baba'...Almeno saro sicuro' che i ladroni sono solo quaranta!!  

Fri, 11/20/2009 - 12:46

 all the local papers are full of it...

Wed, 11/11/2009 - 12:44 most of us that live here and read the papers know already there is a major problem in sp

Sat, 10/24/2009 - 05:48

 4.1 and only 9km down... we felt it here in Teramo and so it must have been bad there...hope all is ok with everyone... news not syaing any damage yet...but a couple of helicopters have passed over flying that way.... 

Thu, 09/24/2009 - 13:57

 it seems there was quite a heavey quake last night bewteen florence and bologna ... 4.2 and not that deep...had a lot of people worried... its the L'Aquila affect...  still in peoples memories...

Tue, 09/15/2009 - 02:18


Sat, 09/12/2009 - 17:51

 the title is only wrong in the sense that the area is equal to the most polluted areas in the world and it is not milan its sicily, a place called Gela and is one of the places with the highest cancer rates amongst all Italy in both women and men

Fri, 09/11/2009 - 11:17 this is a site which needs support ... you can adopt an animal at distance and help by paying for its food and lodging...

Sat, 09/05/2009 - 13:18

Comments posted

Answer to: caravan and dog
Fri, 08/14/2009 - 11:25

 the way i would suggest would be with tolls however without is also possible by using the german routes to get you to munich then round into austria via innsbruck and out over the brenner pass...  down to bologna and then the coast road down to your homesorry to get to germany head out through belgium to the border near to cologne/koln... tolls will begin at the brenner pass... as you leave austria and you are supposed to pay a tax to use austrian roads...stop at the services ...  the main advantages if there are any to this route is that apart from the climb up to the europa bridge on the brenner motorway there are no other major hard climbs in the whole route...  the main problem can be traffic... but saying that can happen anywhere...  agree with the previous post that after leaving the uk there are no real problems with carrying animals in europe so i would not choose a route to avoid switzerland because of that... the other advantage of german motorways is that they have motels at the services... clean... and dogs can generally stay...  sorry forgot you had your own accomodation ... secure until you arrive at italy i would say overnighting at services along the way will be fairly safe... wehn you arrive in Italy make sure you do this with plenty of other trailers around you or else go to a secure site

Answer to: Bitten dog?
Fri, 08/14/2009 - 10:46 they have an online consulation vet service...  although you already know what would be the best angie says try and locate another..better vet... sorry not to be more concrete in helping... if its any use... have four dogs.. and this is not something usual with ours...  and they get up to pretty much all the same types of things... 

Answer to: weather forecast
Fri, 08/14/2009 - 08:48

 when i first watched it ... your observation would have been not far wrong... no graphics just tons of fronts...lining up for battle...with numbers showing pressure... ok there is the other extreme... lots of pictures and few facts... in reallity apart from summer have a deal of sympathy...Italy has such a variety of local climates with its hilly terrain and mass of sea water surrounding it...that a national weather forecast by definition here where national weather does not exist to any great degree is a bit of a joke... however local forecast do manage quite well... that is what you see when you look out the window each morning... here if the clouds of a certain type are covering the mountain we are ok... if they are blowing in from the marche...another story.. i can leave home here and drive *KM to Teramo and in the summer find that 33c has risen to almost 40c with high humidity ...or in the winter leave here ...dont think we have ever had afrost... and Teramo cars are all ice white... 

Thu, 08/13/2009 - 16:10

 actually something new... its a site dedicated to animal welfare.... brand new in fact... was watching telly and theres actually for Italy a funny advert with a cat and printer..worth watching... anyway here is the site and there are areas that include boarding kennels ..and many other things... my way of saying i havent looked at it very well yet like the site name a lot...

Thu, 08/13/2009 - 12:51

 the owner does say on his site that its good for owners to visit and bring their familiarise themselves with the place... i couldnt remeber the name of the L'Aquila one and was sort of a bit nervous about looking too hard for that...hopefully they did not have any damage... never visited that place but it looked ok on the site... if you do go there to look would be good if you gave us all an updateanyway on the site above on their home page is also the dogsitters site... not sure if its already been mentioned elsewhere... anyway here is the link has loads of info and yellow page areas for things like dog sitters and  even accomdodation in agriturismo that cater also for dogs... a useful site ...with lots of info

Thu, 08/13/2009 - 08:36

 visted the place today and it seemed as good a place as any i have visited ... its open all year...well presume he does take some holidays ...and the dogs...there were plenty there all seemed frantic barking and lots of tail wagging...plenty of outdoor space and the boxes looked clean as did the dogs... no smell ... has a website english spoken... if anyone does use the place would be nice to know how it goes...  

Thu, 08/13/2009 - 05:50

 did an intereting article on this back in April which shows that forums can publish things and try to help... another site with a property forum is this and basically it is just full of calabrian stories..... funnily enough...but not for those that got caught was that the dolce vita show was pretty well full of calbarian developers ... and at that stgae much of what has gone on was pretty well known behind the scenes at least... giambrone was already under investigation...  i guess it was one last chance to make a sales killing because i heard comments about the hard sales going on there.... befoe the bubble really burst in the media...  just out of interest...cause we dont buy the italy they still  help as experts on legal advice... that would be a bit of a ...well not sure... but funny anyway

Tue, 08/11/2009 - 09:14

 problem with 3 is that they always seem to have to use another comapnies network... and what that means is they then charge you more than the going rate... so use any other company but 3 here in Italy... tim and vodaphone seem to have pretty good coverage...although check before you buy...   

Tue, 08/11/2009 - 05:49

 nigel the problem is that you cannot do it as your neighbours did in the past... new laws mean that the roof has to have some thermal efficiency... also the other point with concrete flat roofs... well anything of concrete is that you need to put in some sort of air gap... hence ventilated roof systems... basically leaving an air you then need insulation...two reasons... one to keep heat out in the summer and heat in during the these new laws are very recnet... virtually all other solutions in your neighborhood might well be outside normal regulations...  as of today...  so whilst in the past i would have agreed with you things are changing here...  quickly... for instance due to the L'Aquila tragedy... laws which were in place and which comunes did not apply are now in many cases more rigourosly applied..  and now in L'Aquila or any other zone 1 seismic area...   along the eastern appenines down to Sicily... how things were done in the past is likely to be a non solution... nothing like a few hundred dead to concentrate peoples minds on cutting corners... although these things soon drift out of peoples memories... 

Mon, 08/10/2009 - 15:28

 we have one near us... am not sure about winter heating ...will ask...  i also a few years back knew one down in Roseto... which was good... will have to speak to out vet for the info again... presume as you are asking about heat its not an immediate requirement...  oh yes we are just 10 minutes from Teramo city.. so the boarding kennel is about eight minutes...