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Questions Asked

 This is making the headlines..

Fri, 12/04/2009 - 13:20

  its not aimed at any politician ...or party...because its true everywhere.. down to the smallest comune.. Alle prossime elezioni , io voto Ali' baba'...Almeno saro sicuro' che i ladroni sono solo quaranta!!  

Fri, 11/20/2009 - 12:46

 all the local papers are full of it...

Wed, 11/11/2009 - 12:44 most of us that live here and read the papers know already there is a major problem in sp

Sat, 10/24/2009 - 05:48

 4.1 and only 9km down... we felt it here in Teramo and so it must have been bad there...hope all is ok with everyone... news not syaing any damage yet...but a couple of helicopters have passed over flying that way.... 

Thu, 09/24/2009 - 13:57

 it seems there was quite a heavey quake last night bewteen florence and bologna ... 4.2 and not that deep...had a lot of people worried... its the L'Aquila affect...  still in peoples memories...

Tue, 09/15/2009 - 02:18


Sat, 09/12/2009 - 17:51

 the title is only wrong in the sense that the area is equal to the most polluted areas in the world and it is not milan its sicily, a place called Gela and is one of the places with the highest cancer rates amongst all Italy in both women and men

Fri, 09/11/2009 - 11:17 this is a site which needs support ... you can adopt an animal at distance and help by paying for its food and lodging...

Sat, 09/05/2009 - 13:18

Comments posted

Mon, 08/10/2009 - 12:43

 can you say where you are in abruzzo... 

Mon, 08/10/2009 - 06:38

  a lot on what you want... if you are planning to use it as a terrace... or maybe as a place to site solar panels for water heating...or.many other things... one site that does listings of ventilated roof systems which apparentley can be fixed onto flat roofs...  but you will have to searchmany of them do systems that incline the roof on telescopic stands... but these then have panels attached either in metal or plastic... ugly... you can also get special reflective white paint which stops roofs getting so hot... you can try other searches with these words...sistema per i tetti horizontalinot a lot of help... but maybe a start ... and prices seem hard to come by... if you can spot what you are looking for best to visit a builders or phone the companythere is one below which might help 

Sun, 08/09/2009 - 17:49

 thought i was alone in this world... off for a drink now

Sun, 08/09/2009 - 17:38

 i would say in terms of UK buyers the market has collapsed...if thats what you Italy i would say that the real problems have not started yet...  as regards most britains buying in their suggeted areas the article is based around ceratin agencies selling in those areas so its to be expected... with british buyers here not really being significant n terms of  foreign buyers in italy...population another myth... italian population is running pretty steady... not because of Italians but immigrants... their figures are correct about the native italian population ...but when you add in immigrants the birth rate for the first time in ages is increasing the population here...their prediction of surplus in the market is therefore well off ... immigrants will be in the hosuing market... and there is a significant shortage of homes in Italy at the right price...the britsih market in any case would not effect this in any significant way... they would not be buying in the areas destined for either surplus or shortage..... no italian wants to live where the vast majority of non italian buyers are looking...however they do have a good eye for local prices and will sell off inherited property in remote areas quite happily if the price is right... usually waiting for a sort of boom effect due to ryan air...hwoever relying on ryan air seems to me to be somewhat mistaken in these times .... Puglia if they or other carriers suddenly decide to make cuts will be a long drive even from Rome...reading a report the other day it seems that many british are trying to sell up in Tuscany... not all to return home to the UK...some just down sizing...  this might add to a drop in prices there... for foreigner type homes... but most of these will be overpriced anyway due to the amount put in and people trying to recoup costs... i reckon apart from the fact that the british buyer outside the euro zone and with fragile to say the least long term earning prospects has dried up or moved to two extremes... small well priced with not huge amounts to spend...or well prepared , reasonably wealthy with large budgets... the middle has dropped to a trickle there is really no signifacabnt difference if you are selling property here to italians... slightly slower ...but prices about usual...second homes... well most italian second homes are by the beach... and that market is a disaster... huge amounts for sale ... and not much happening...again italians will not drop prices... they just wait... .. and continue using them for holidays...if there is a collapse at all its in new builds... the companies going bust before they are built... having bought land at high prices and needing to build quicly and sell to cover the costs... theres your problem here... small company collapses...  but that will mean less new coastal apartments or out of town city complexes...  which in a sense will strenghten even further the value of existing property there you go ... is that alright then.... well aprt from my annoying mis typing and punctuation... 

Sun, 08/09/2009 - 15:40

 the stupid thing is there is plenty of water... as milky bar says its the water comapnies... you get tired of watching programs regarding leaks... projects of dams already built but never used... and huge amounts of money being given and spent and yet no better water supply... hwoever here i think we all value water... as we are all on meters... what i would say is that in a modern western european country i regard it as my right to have drinking water out of my tap...  with cisterns this is not possible i believe... 

Sun, 08/09/2009 - 15:33

 gromit you are right...there seems to be no control and yes it seems there is no interest from street police... its the fact that someone asked if there were any rules which interested me... and prompted the post i guess the point is as regards the law is that anyone resident here not re-registering there car is as far as i can see breaking the law... because a resident of italy is not allowed to run a car fro even a year ...the 12 month rule is for non residents... a resident of italy has to run a car registered in italy with italian plates and paying road tax... i guess thats the main point about the rules is that as a resident you are avoiding paying the annual taxs on your car... and am not sure but it would make ant insurance compant have a pretty good get out should something occur that required an insurance claim... i agree its all unlikely...  but from reading through the laws...albeit...skimming it seems thats the way of things... 

Sat, 08/08/2009 - 16:00

 its pretty normal for anywhere south of the rome pescara line... Sicily i think having some of the worst probelms...clues are massive tanks on apartment blocks... or in the case of Abruzzo where they build coastal apartments along the Chieti coast where the pressure in the summer does not allow the water to rise above the first floor apartment... even just south of us in the region served by the ACA company the water is not available constantley... as a matter of fact... not just broken pipes...water privatistaion has long been on the books here with little sucess...obviously Italians when they see what has happened with all other state comapnies here know that nothing much will change...however they have tno national strategy... hence as i say in the province of Teramo the Ruzzo supplies water pretty well consistantley, ACA just south always runs out...why dont they combine...the other point is that many drinking waters after the north south divide are in actual fact not drinking water... its tap water and not that secure to drink...many reports in Italy pertaining to your problem and also quality are shown in papers or TV pretty well every year since water in taps began...its no use complaining... however contact the comune and maybe they will deliver some to you.. as for coping.. i wouldnt or couldnt... i prefer to live north of the line...

Sat, 08/08/2009 - 10:54

theres is a lot about this  below is a bit of the codice stradale with comments this is the ACI site... same law i dont bother much with it and it concerns me little if people choose to do things inventively... but its obvious there is a catch somewhere... and it seems to me from what i have read and i am no lawyer that a vehicle is allowed here for 12 months... how do they know how long ...well if you bring in a vehicle you are supposed to declare it...and get a date stamped..if planning to be here a long time...  after twelve months it has to be taken away... if kept longer it can be confiscated... these rules only apply to non italian residents... thats where you can get caught out i belive... if you buy your home and live here as a resident these laws do not apply to an italian resident cannot keep a foreign plated car in Italy for twelve months... thats how i read it anyway.... so if using residency here to gain on some things and you have a foreign plated car then the two cannot have to choose one or the other...comments????  

Sat, 08/08/2009 - 09:01

 suggest charlootte oliver...although this is can pm her...she works with us and rome is only a couple of hours from here... builders are not your foirst choice as regards work... primarily you need a geometra/architect... to see what your ifdeas and how its to be accomplished will be allowed... note that there are now many new laws about restucturing regarding elements that include energy the insulation of your building... and more importantley safety... depending on where you have bought... most of L'Aquila for instance being category 1 as regrds seismic regs.... meaning lots of re-enforcing finally check the building yourself... old buildings that have been damaged by leaching of internal clay from stone walls might well mean that you canot or will not be allowed to restore without shrouding the building in a steeel mesh and spraying it with concrete... either get a geometra before you sign any paper... along with lawyer or inspect all aspects carefully of luck...  if you are up in the Teramo area of Abruzzo can suggest geometras...but we only work locally to this part of Abruzzo and cannot with confidence help elsewhere with suggestions...

Fri, 08/07/2009 - 16:08

 sorry to move outside the orriginal giambrone subject... but it seems that this company has pretty well decided to stop gaimabrone type activity... just a simple question of money... Howell has said the company had written off over £500,000 of anticipated income so far this year, while actual income had fallen by nearly 75%. “Over the last few months our clients – and, in particular, our developer clients – have been going bust at a catastrophic rate and many of our other clients are unwilling or unable to pay their bills,” said Howell. “We have, therefore and with great regret, decided to close the business.” i think this is a warning to all that are commiting to off plan at this time to think carefully and make sure you at least have a trusted lawyer on board to investigate the compamy background ... i would be inclined to basically sit tight and wait... and buy fully built and viewed ... at the moment... talking about giambrone... it seems down in calbaria also there were 57 arrests regarding one comune where places were /are supposed to be built ...  some of the developments and planning are in question... the in calbria forum is a sad nightmare of talk at the moment... at the moment there is a lot not going  right in the world as a whole... some people might say that if you sit tight and dont spend your money you add to the crisis... my view is... if the money you have isnt sufficient that you can loose it all without a second thought... let things get sorted first... let the builds that are never going to get built  pass you buy, forget offplan for at least a couple of yeras and if planning to do this as rental/investment... especailley on coastal apartments... give it a miss....