adriatica's activity

Questions Asked

a link to a site where up until the end of august if you see an abandoned dog on the autostrade you can signal via an sms to the number in the link....  and hopefully they will get in touch with the right people... to get the animal to safety...

Sun, 08/02/2009 - 07:38

some images from a typical type of sagra here based on in old times the threshing of the cereal crops but now celebrated in many areas including abruzzo as a celebration of the past...

Sun, 08/02/2009 - 06:20

 from about october to may each morning i turn on the TV and over coffee watch news and weather... especialley the long range weather.... come May...

Sun, 08/02/2009 - 05:43

 i posted this on the old forums and felt it worth another mention... with so many new memebrs on this site that might well be interested...

Fri, 07/31/2009 - 04:16

 someone just asked about road travel through L'Aquila...

Fri, 07/31/2009 - 02:58

 we all read recentley of a dog that died belonging to a member here that did not in any way receive the care we all want our animals to receive...  deserve.. a better she said ... allow them at least to die with dignity...

Tue, 07/28/2009 - 17:06

 this might apply to a few of you that have your main residence here and found that your comune was collecting ICI on things like extra garages and other sorts of outbuilding...

Tue, 07/28/2009 - 05:41

 i just joined charlottes group... not a big event you might say... but a confusing one for me at least...  i thought to comment in a group via a post you had to be a member...

Mon, 07/20/2009 - 11:30

 as this is a conservation group and despite the best efforts of our dogs to make all lizards in the garden tail less i would just like to add a tip for those of you with outside ...we do have indoor bathrooms but also typically of ital

Fri, 07/17/2009 - 16:12

 we received an email from this group the other day asking for help in recognisng the problem of abandoned animals here...and instituting a campaign against it"Gentile iscritto di, speriamo di farti cosa gradita avvisandoti

Fri, 07/17/2009 - 06:45

Comments posted

Wed, 10/14/2009 - 11:52

 one of those silly ones which makes boys look like girls and girls look like boys... oh to be in water free of rules

Mon, 10/12/2009 - 17:31

 they are based around frosinone.. and they are below 3 on the richter scale and have nothing to do with the L'Aquila quake...  opinions differ equally between a big one on the horizon  and if they start to go above 3 it will be a bad sign and others that are not concerned by it at all fact it would most probably not even have been noticed if the L'Aquila one had not occured...they are very light... basically they go on almost all the time...  i would have thought it would not have prompted phone calls...  with 50 or 60 relatives living in and around Frosinone have not heard anything from them... maybe wait a while and see how things go...  

Sun, 10/11/2009 - 10:51

 michael m... what often suprises me on the ocaisions that Italian politics does get discussed by mainly non italians on is how much their opinions are defined by foreign news reporting to do with Mr B... there is quite  debate amongst Italians regarding the extensive use of many parliamentarians regarding immunity from prosecution...  i seem to remember d'alema, certainly prodi and his family, di pietros familyBerlusconi suits Italy ... and  many things happen because of him... he has brokered many advancements for Italy ...  and for me living here its easy to understand why someone like him is required go up against an established and embedded civil service / judiciary system that is based on eating all the cake first before passing down the crumbs to the people... that is what he stands for the disruption and destruction of the Italian status quo... which means in real life say... that a comune with 100 residents does not have 200 officials running it, that if u want to open a business u do not have to pay several thousands of euros to some comune for the privilege before u start and do not have to fill out a stack of papers the size of the bible to arrive at your opening day...  that if u end up in court on a civil matter that u do not have to be part of the intelectual elite to be able to win...this is what he stands for... for universities with lecturers that can teach ...not employed for their family history and once employed fixed in stone with a salary that they never actually have to bother earning...  and guaranteed to be paid until the day they die... and even then continued to their family... this is Italy and this is what someone like Mr him or not is trying to break..  and thats why the popular vote of most Italians is with him.. because they can see and have seen that their tax goes no where apart from up... for less and less benefit.. that local , regional and provincial government here is killing everyone apart from a few of the northern regions...  and that this comfortable family of blood suckers on Italian in general needs ousting and reforming...  Italy has more civil servants and politicians controlling each member of the population than any other western state... 

Fri, 10/02/2009 - 15:43

 Vasto as a holiday destination and potential rental is a pretty no hoper sort of thing...most probably why no management companies...  who will do it are local estate agents...and most probably the development company you buy through... potential problems i would say is that in the summer there is a distinct lack of water pressure...  and a vast over stock of rentals...

Sat, 09/19/2009 - 15:30  most probably one of the more famous producers ... widely available and suggest you get a quote from them and maybe go through their tech stuff .. i pointed the link to the english versioni  like this one.. most probably very expensive ... but worth a look... didnt see an english page and fan assisted heating will not provide much comfort i would say with 4 meter high ceilings because the air will be warm at the top... and never reach you... maybe bunk beds..  placing fans directed towards the stairwell will mean that it gos up there this if you are not living there in the winter ... because you might get enough heat that way to make you feel warm... for quick visits...the other point is they eat wood ... if you do want to attempt to get warm... to a level thats i reckon you will feel a difference but will still have to wear coats in the house.... the immediate surround of the insert will be warm..  if you are planning to live full time .. i would look for  better solutions... best of all would be if some of these rooms do not require that height because they have no architectural features... would be to put in false ceilings...  then attend to if not already in double glazing and shutters... and finally work out your requirements and then look for the best solution re heating... saying all that your choice providing you have plenty of space to store wood is most probably the least invasive in terms of building work and in terms of initial cost cheapish... check out your local DIY shed to see what they have on offer.. you should be able to beat that price quoted i would think... you might well have to add on a steel chimney liner in fact i would say almost certainly for safety and draw... and that costs as well ..  so make sure you add that in ...  so you will be warmer... am sure .. cannot offer any alternatives that would be as cheap, as visually pleasing but i dont agree with paying to heat space that you will never ever get to feel unless your painting the ceiling...

Thu, 09/17/2009 - 07:52

 you might have more money to spend in the UK but then maybe not...we used to have to spend it to get away to Italy for a bit of civilisation and to recharge batteries...  more important to me ...and we lived in Devon.. is the security and peace of mind you find living here ...firstly it allows our son..eight when we moved seven years ago to have a freer type of life..  not because its any safer here...just the perception is that... and it also broadens his life experience... anglo/american youth culture... dominates the whole world... and yet by living on the side of that a person gains a different hopefully he will be more open to all cultures... or at least have a broader view on life and where to go when he does grow up.. you mention a child...  and i am not saying that education is any better here...most probably worse in the formal sense... but if you have moved once and they have settled in then its worth staying just for that...however if you are having discusions on this then maybe your daughter will be hoping to go back...   but i think any child as they grow here and learn...will eventually be happy that you made a choice to live here... they just appear happier here children..less stressed..  and at the same time seem to have a more adult  view on life...things do also become easier your network increase so do your abilities to earn and to spend less...italy is a very networked place to live...if that is a word.. you need to establish credentials and build circles... everything then gets cheaper and opportunities pop out at you... i would stick with it... maybe the wrong seem to be enjoying it... i would carry on living here...  because its living not surviving...

Wed, 09/16/2009 - 16:19

 really have little comment to make... but history will repeat itself according to earthquake experts and it maps out quite clearly where because the only certain thing are where the fault lines exists.. ESPERTO NEL'97, FORTE SISMA ABRUZZO ENTRO 2010PESCARA - Già dodici anni fa, nel 1997, durante il terremoto che colpì a più riprese Umbria e Marche, gli studiosi - basandosi sulle statistiche del passato - indicavano il 70% di probabilità che un forte terremoto potesse scuotere l'Abruzzo "entro il 2010". E' quanto affermava il direttore dell'Osservatorio geofisico dell'Aquila, Paolo Palangio, in un'intervista all'edizione abruzzese del "Messaggero" del 9 ottobre 1997. "Le statistiche - riferiva Palangio - dicono che entro il 2010 c'é il 70 per cento delle probabilità di avere nella zona compresa tra l'Aquilano, la Marsica e l'Alto Sangro, un altro evento catastrofico. Se poi andiamo avanti negli anni e arriviamo al 2070, le probabilità di avere il 'big one' salgono al 100 per cento". In Abruzzo - sottolineava l'esperto - le aree a rischio "sono quelle dell'Aquilano e la zona che comprende la Marsica, il Parco Nazionale d'Abruzzo, la zona della Maiella e parte delle province di Pescara e di Chieti. L'ultimo grande sisma è stato quello della Marsica nel 1915. Secondo quanto è stato possibile ricostruire dalle cronache dell'epoca, L'Aquila è stata distrutta più volte nel 1400. Un altro evento catastrofico fu quello del 1703 ed ebbe epicentro tra Pizzoli e Campo Felice, con quali effetti ve lo lascio immaginare". Nel 1997 erano passati 82 anni dal terremoto di Avezzano, 294 da quello dell'Aquila. "Sono proprio questi i periodi di latenza degli ultimi 'big one' - spiegava Palangio - . Come testimonia la storia sismica dei territori interessati, i tempi di stasi nell'Aquilano sono molto lunghi, durano infatti 250- 300 anni. Molto più brevi risultano invece quelli riguardanti i terremoti marsicani, anche se una divisione netta è soltanto teorica perché un evento nella Marsica è avvertito nell'altro comprensorio sia pure con intensità minore, e viceversa". Già dodici anni fa Palangio invitava alla prevenzione: "Prevenire vuol dire costruire stabili rigorosamente antisismici - disse nell'intervista -, gli unici in grado di resistere a scosse anche violente. E' una regola che non va disattesa se si vuole che non si ripeta quanto è accaduto in Irpinia dove costruzioni in cemento armato, fatte male, sono venute giù come castelli di carta. Ma prevenire - concludeva il direttore dell'Osservatorio Geofisico abruzzese - vuol dire anche una popolazione più consapevole, che si è preparata per un evento del genere, e che quindi non si faccia prendere dal panico che può fare più vittime del terremoto stesso".

Tue, 09/15/2009 - 15:17

 Onna...destroyed in April... toady the houses for the villagers were handed over... it means a community has somewhere secure to live at least whilst their older homes if they choose are rebuiltthis is a completely new site beside the old village... ie a green field site .. ninety four houuses built and furnished including all the bits and pieces... got to be a record for Italy...the first itme i should think that a person has had a new home after a quake before the church was rebuilt...  hers a short article in English on it...there is tons in Italian on the net am sure there will be some people that choose to stay in these...not everyone of course.. but for elderly couples and younger families...well insulated single storey buildings that are convenient to live in will maybe be not to their liking to start...but should imagine once they have lived there a bit for some it will be much easier...

Tue, 09/15/2009 - 13:30 according to the shake map above...its based on reports phoned in from people or other monitoring stations it reached almost as far as forli and down towards arezzo... so i would think most of the Marche didnt feel it

Tue, 09/15/2009 - 04:59

 the posts remain but they do not have any unread/new reply data beside them... what is cleared is the numbers to the right of each thread with the new replies...  if i am reading what you are saying correctley... what you should do after that to junk that amount of input is then click on todays posts i guess and then you only get current stuff...presume the new activity button has a certain amount of days assigned... so if you go back into it after a new reply that should stand out as the only unread thing you have not checked within the list... i think...