adriatica's activity

Questions Asked

a link to a site where up until the end of august if you see an abandoned dog on the autostrade you can signal via an sms to the number in the link....  and hopefully they will get in touch with the right people... to get the animal to safety...

Sun, 08/02/2009 - 07:38

some images from a typical type of sagra here based on in old times the threshing of the cereal crops but now celebrated in many areas including abruzzo as a celebration of the past...

Sun, 08/02/2009 - 06:20

 from about october to may each morning i turn on the TV and over coffee watch news and weather... especialley the long range weather.... come May...

Sun, 08/02/2009 - 05:43

 i posted this on the old forums and felt it worth another mention... with so many new memebrs on this site that might well be interested...

Fri, 07/31/2009 - 04:16

 someone just asked about road travel through L'Aquila...

Fri, 07/31/2009 - 02:58

 we all read recentley of a dog that died belonging to a member here that did not in any way receive the care we all want our animals to receive...  deserve.. a better she said ... allow them at least to die with dignity...

Tue, 07/28/2009 - 17:06

 this might apply to a few of you that have your main residence here and found that your comune was collecting ICI on things like extra garages and other sorts of outbuilding...

Tue, 07/28/2009 - 05:41

 i just joined charlottes group... not a big event you might say... but a confusing one for me at least...  i thought to comment in a group via a post you had to be a member...

Mon, 07/20/2009 - 11:30

 as this is a conservation group and despite the best efforts of our dogs to make all lizards in the garden tail less i would just like to add a tip for those of you with outside ...we do have indoor bathrooms but also typically of ital

Fri, 07/17/2009 - 16:12

 we received an email from this group the other day asking for help in recognisng the problem of abandoned animals here...and instituting a campaign against it"Gentile iscritto di, speriamo di farti cosa gradita avvisandoti

Fri, 07/17/2009 - 06:45

Comments posted

Sun, 09/06/2009 - 12:40

 I agree with the fact that extra knowledge helps protect you in my opinion but doesn’t all of our advice go to the wall when someone’s dishonest.... this company managed to operate in the UK and Italy for a long time and have basically stolen loads of architect from that area running a famous estate agency of the biggest national companies also involved...Dolce Vita... basically funded by them...the supposed font of all knowledge of Italian life and property exhibitors, the chamber of commerce of Italy, the fact that despite criminal charges the company still operates, legal; advisor on this magazine and various other specialist property areas .. I.e. most of the UK buying abroad supplements...maybe its safer to use a Spanish qualified lawyer for a bit...  because UK and Italian regulations means Pee all...  it now seems to me...   I basically have the feeling that the calabrian properties built illegally and sold via the ex Spanish companies...that moved here from Spain, the Italian lawyer connection to make it look Kosher and the collaboration from the municipal authorities will mean that they will get pulled down... as the anti cementification laws are the comunes if they didn’t know wake up one morning and realise threes a high rise block built on protected land that has to be knocked down... hence finishing any problems as to the selling agents as they will then disappear as will the buildings...most probably demolished with a special EU fund for the environment...and that will be that... comune planners with heaps of Euro in their back pocket ... along with all the rest involved...what’s the betting as to where the nest hot spot will be...cause they never give up...   its already happened in Puglia... and i reckon Basilicata looks ripe for the new place to find people that are easily duped...actually not easily...the problem is that newspapers and respected radio programs seem to have a list of so called professional experts... because they have set up EU the " professional European estate agency union" guaranteeing you peace of mind through their membership... which hopefully doesn’t exist under that name otherwise I’m paint respectability over scams and rip off.... all of us here know that so and so president of this and this doesn’t even have a licence to operate  and yet is always being represented as the font of all knowledge on Italian property buying whilst relatives have other companies doing the selling...  my one bit of advice is avoid anyone telling you that they guarantee peace of it lawyer or estate agent...cause none of us can... all we can do is work with the systems in any area and do our best   the Italian legal system is over flowing with sons and daughters of lawyers and you are guaranteed to pass any exam here with or without knowledge is your father mother is a lawyer too... .. we had  dealings with Giambrone a few years back with one of their Italian lawyers... who when asked to draft the initial contract as an offer didn’t know what it was... and after that when we got to compromesso stage we had to send her one of ours so that she could draft that too... using ours as an example...she was fully qualified here in Italy as a lawyer... so there you go rules are rules and none of them apply here... use a lawyer that someone else can firmly and confidently recommend...that you actually have confidence have seen things posted even here that are obviously being set forward by the companies themselves... a common practice here in Abruzzo were i believe discounts were offered to clients willing to post good comments...   Garda lives in a different world from many parts of Italy ... many of the rules followed in the north are scantily upheld in the other areas of Italy where thinking of disbarring a notary or lawyer are pretty well unheard of... would be interested to hear if there are any that have actually been disbarred apart from criminal activity..but via negligence in regards to their work anywhere ever in Italy... i really don’t think so ... the magistrates that rule on them cannot because you cannot throw stones in glass houses i think the saying goes... Sadly the majority of professionals in the law field here, notaries or lawyers do work well but are unable to or willing to accept that they need a system in place to weed out the useless and corrupt... it would be ice for all of us if they could be persuaded that they would be better off in all ways if they did help in chucking the useless or dishonest practitioners out on the street...  you might find that the reason some of these people qualify out of Italy is because they cannot get any chance of breaking in and competing with established people here ...and this is the only way for them to go...not because they do not have knowledge...they will not be allowed to pass... there are tight quotas this fraternity maintains on who can join ... a good alternative example is the fact that good Italian scientifc researchers are renowned for their discoveries... working in research abroad not here...because all the posts here are filled with friends of friends with degrees gained because they had always been assigned to pass and get a job.... the Bidellos daughter in my sons class got a 10...(perfect score)in englsih and every other subject..and she cannot speak a word of begins early here... 

Sun, 09/06/2009 - 09:43

 i like the fact that extra knowledge helps protect you in my opinion but doesnt all of our advice go tothe wall when someones dishonest.... this comapny amanaged to operate in the UK and Italy for a long time and have basically stolen loads of architect from that area running a famous estae agency of the biggest national comapnies also involved...Dolce Vita... basiaccly funded by them...the supposed font of all knowledeg of Italain life and property exhibitors, the chamber of commerce of Italy, the fact that despite crimainal charges the company still operates, legal; advisor on this magazine and various other specailist property areas .. ie most of the UK buying abroad suplements...maybe its safer to use a spanish qualified lawyer for a bit...  because UK and Italian regulations means Pee all...  it now seems to me... i basically have the feeling that the calabrian properties built illegally and sold via the ex spanish companies...that moved here from sapin, the italian lawyer connection to make it look Kosher and the collaboration from the municipal authorities will mean that they will get pulled down... as the anti cementification laws are the comunes if they didnt know wake up one morning and realise theres a high rise block built on protected land that has to be knocked down... hence fisnishing any problems as to the sellin agents as they will then disapear as will the buildings...most probabley demolished with a special EU fund for the enviromnet...and that will be that... comune planners with heaps of euro in their back poscket ... alog with all the rest involved...whats the bettingas to where the nest hot spot will be...cause they never give up... its already happened in Pyglia... and i reckon Basilicata looks ripe for the new palce to find people that are easily duped...actually not easily...the problem is that newspapers and respected radio programs seem to have a list of so called profesional experts... because they have set up EU the " profesional european estate agency union"guaranteeing you peace of mind thrrough their membership... which hopefully doesnt exist under that name otherwise im paint respectabilty over scams and rip offs.... all of us here know that so and so president of this and this doesnt even have a licence to operte  and yet is always being represented as the font of all knowledge on Italian property buying whilst relatives have other comapnies doing the selling... my one bit of advice is avoid anyone telling you that they guarantee peace of it lawyer or estate agent...cause none of us can... all we can do is work with the stsytems in any area and do our best the Italian legals system is over flowing with sons and daughters of lawyesr and you are guaranteed to pass any exam here with or without knowledge is your father mother is a lwayer too... .. we had  dealings with Giambrone a few years back with one of their Italian lawyers... who when asked to draft the inital contract as an offrer didnt know what it was... and after that when we got to compromesso stage we had to send her one of ours so that she could draft that too... using ours as an example...she was fully qualified here in Italy as a lawyer... so there you go rules are rules and none of them apply here... use a lawyer that someone else can firmly and confidentley reccomend...that you actually have confidence have seen things posted even here that are obviously being set forward ny the companies themselves... a common practice here in Abruzzo were i believe discounts were offered to clients willing to post good comments... Garda lives in a diferent world from many parts of Italy ... many of the rules followed in the north are scantily upheld in the other areas of Italy where thinking of disbaring a notary or lawyer are pretyy well unheard of... would be interested to hear if there are any that have actualy been disbarred apart from crimianal activity..but via negligence in regards to their work anywhere ever in Italy... i really dont think so ... the magistrates that rule on them cannot because you cannot throw stones in galss houses i think the saying goes... 

Answer to: building terms
Sun, 09/06/2009 - 06:29

 good idea,... theres also one in ancona

Sun, 09/06/2009 - 06:07

 gromit... i now realise one should never press buttons before knowing what they do...  had one answer which hopefully will work out...

Answer to: building terms
Sun, 09/06/2009 - 05:06

 there are serious problems with many of the words you get off dictionaries.. paint for example has many diferent terms depending on what you want... my italian speling being even worse than my English will not allow me to help ...but vernice will be what you might know as gloss paint, emulsion is a diferent name and woodstain another... plaster ..intonica is another nightmare... you have at least 50 or so diferent bags lined up at the building merchants ,, ranging from obsure title like KC1 not a plaster but a coating to put on walls before the final plaster... which again has several diferent grades depending on what you are looking for...and consistencies regarding lime sand content...internal/external grades... same with paints grouts and tile glue... its a wonderful world you are arriving to... agree with many of the comments above... find the nearest Brico to start with and do dself service... that way you soon get to know the names and then you can take advantage of the cheaper prices at the buildrees merchants... also dont discount you local hardware store... you save on petrol... you also are able to wander around these places generally picking up stuff yourself... ie things like nails and sceews pretty well always sold loose and as cheap as anywhere... things like light fittings and bathroom fittings are aslo availabe at brico type places i think Le Marche much as Abruzzo has huge sheds like Castorama situated all along the coast road... i recall for sure one around porta ascoli... and i would say these products are very expensive here in general but less so with better choice at the sheds...often having good discounts on things...when your outfitting a non finsihed propety with llights and shades you can save an awful lotyou will be an expert in no time.. on all the terms its suprising how quickly you learn it all ...good luck

Answer to: Hows life
Sun, 09/06/2009 - 04:41

yes... its quite a chore.. getting around all the rooms... my wife insisted we do the tour 15 years back.. my preference is for the walk from the palace to the end of the drive... ... it always looks closer than it is ... bu its miles ... in some ways i hate the place as well... it cuts Caserta in half... and we are always getting caught in traffic jams because of the single lane tunnels that you have to use to get to my in laws home there... have an excellent holiday...  and when you manage the move will be interested to see your work and studios...  as well... 

Sun, 09/06/2009 - 04:29

its not that i dont like cats... they are much easier in many sense to deal with than dogs... but life has always been dogs for us... and they being worse than even typical dogs all hate cats... so at least  are spared that problems... there does seem to be a very good cat grapevine regarding suckers and decent food

Answer to: Hows life
Sun, 09/06/2009 - 04:20

 you get a gold star for making me get back to this thread and looking at the terrible spelling on the reply post to seband maralyn...since corrected a bit... you know i really am not one for bothering in that respect aloowing peole to sort out my word conumdrums themselves but even i couldnt understand what i had previously written...  would love to meet up... and will do this sometime soon hopefully 

Answer to: Hows life
Sun, 09/06/2009 - 04:17

 sebastiano keep promisng ourselves a lunch at your restaurant one day... but you know as well as anyone how life here takes its toll on making plans,,, still i really must do it for real before the year is out... once our son is back toschool and lifes routine is a bit more set will make a booking...Maralyn, my in law family on the father side is from Frosinone.. i know it from various family gatherings... he had 11 brothers and sisters.. and most of their families are stll living in that area ... we dont often do the trip down...but its very pretty and i like the route through from Sora... actually we pass thru casino more often ...on the way to Caserta... maybe one day when your here permanentley we can meet up and add to our waistlines...

Sun, 09/06/2009 - 03:33

 thanks becky...