Capo Boi's activity

Questions Asked

We have just completed the eleventh year of renting out our house for the summer. As I think I said before in previous posts, in all this time we have only had two vacant weeks.

Sat, 09/03/2011 - 12:05

Despite the bailouts of Greece, Ireland and Portugal the euro has been very strong of late. There is currently a growing view that if "weaker" nations are forced out of the euro zone then the euro will strengthen further. (Italy is probably the mi

Wed, 04/20/2011 - 14:48

Just been billed for Tassa rifuiti. Wait for it................... Wait for it................... Wait for it................... Wait for it...................   Year 2004.

Fri, 03/11/2011 - 14:55

What have the EU (and David C) ever done for us? The aqueduct, sanitation, roads, irrigation, medicine, education, health.... Hearing the BBC iplayer is shortly to be made available overseas at a subscription of around £7.50 per month.

Thu, 03/03/2011 - 17:34

I know pv has been covered extensively in the past, but I thought that it may be helpful to post the current numbers and maths that are being advertised here. (Sardinia). This is for a carport installation roofed by 3kw of pv panels.

Thu, 02/17/2011 - 14:46

First of all, I would like to say that other than the odd bottle of wine or meal, I have no financial interest whatsoever,  in any property or estate agency business. That said, just speaking around, there does seem to be a general feeling that th

Sun, 02/06/2011 - 17:06

Feels to me, £ is too high.

Tue, 09/21/2010 - 07:57

For anyone looking to run a bed and breakfast (or already running one) there is an excellent article in this month's "Cose di Case" magazine (August).

Tue, 08/03/2010 - 12:58

Has anyone got a really good method of cooking/recipe? Have loads in the l'orto but never seemed to be able to cook these with satisfactory results. I've only got a frying pan, so cannot deep fry.

Sun, 06/06/2010 - 04:37

It seems that the conventional wisdom that sterling would collapse on a hung parliament is being turned on its head.

Fri, 04/23/2010 - 17:00

Comments posted

Sun, 10/11/2009 - 09:12

Agree also, MichaelM and SirTK.

Sun, 10/11/2009 - 08:33

Yes, for anyone who has just bought or carrying out a renovation project, paid for through a sterling income/earnings, the cost in euros of this will have substantially increased. One estate agent I spoke to recently told me that his letting business with UK holidaymakers was 20% down this year and whereas in the past he would sell 3-4 properties a year to UK buyers, he has not made any this year.

Sun, 10/11/2009 - 04:57

Good advice Cedric and pleased for you that things seem to be working out well. Your local person seems a good find. Its definitely worth it in my opinion, especially if you are only using your house for holidays, to try to seek out someone local with a good grasp in financial matters to make sure that everything is kept up to date. I know of two families that had nasty shocks over backdated bills (going back almost four years)  that they were not aware off. One for almost €10,000. (combination of condomium, comune, rubbish tax, F24 payments etc).As for your British iron and kettle. Much better to buy these in Italy (both pretty cheap) as generally they will have lower wattage than their UK equivalents so might take a bit longer to boil the water for your cuppa but less chance of blowing your power.

Sat, 10/10/2009 - 15:36

I think you've got your exchange rate around the wrong way. If for example you bought a house at the start of 2006 for €100,000 this would have cost you £68,650. If now you sell today for the same price (€100,000) and transfer the proceeds back to the UK your €100,000 is now worth £97,890, a gain in sterling of £29,240. Anyone with net assets in the euro zone for the past few years have made big gains in sterling terms. In parts of Spain for instance, that have seen large house price falls, sterling's fall means that if you want to return to the UK you can sell at  say a 25% loss and still walk away with a pound profit.

Fri, 10/09/2009 - 07:47

I think its depends on comune to comune, and certainly whether you have dependent children. My husband and I (no children) had to show a joint income of €6,600. I think the numbers rose to about €11,600 if you had 3 children but as Gromit says check with your local comune.

Thu, 10/08/2009 - 07:49

Many people on here have benefited quite a bit from the Berlusconi government. Abolition of Ici on prima casa, introduction of prima casa leglislation, proposed "tourist" taxes affecting both holiday homes and B&B businesses being thrown out....

Mon, 10/05/2009 - 13:24

I agree with Penny. I think its definitely a good idea to link up with an Italian partner.

Sun, 10/04/2009 - 10:39

Just read in one of the papers here that the average monthly take home salary in Italy is €1527. Obviously there will be wide variations on the average but may give you some sort of an idea.

Fri, 10/02/2009 - 18:08

I'll make an attempt to reply to your question. As a very rough guide (and this is rough), at an exchange rate of €1.15-€1.20 expect to spend a similar amount as you do in the UK for an equivalent standard of living. At the current €1.09, be prepared to spend more.

Wed, 09/30/2009 - 16:56

This used to be the case a couple of years ago but not anymore I believe. What you do have to do is to make at least one top-up in a 12 month period. This only has to be for the minimum amount. I've mobiles with both TIM and Vodafone. Did'nt top up my Vodafone for over a year and the sim was cancelled. Was, however, credited with the outstanding balance to a new sim card.