Capo Boi's activity

Questions Asked

We have just completed the eleventh year of renting out our house for the summer. As I think I said before in previous posts, in all this time we have only had two vacant weeks.

Sat, 09/03/2011 - 12:05

Despite the bailouts of Greece, Ireland and Portugal the euro has been very strong of late. There is currently a growing view that if "weaker" nations are forced out of the euro zone then the euro will strengthen further. (Italy is probably the mi

Wed, 04/20/2011 - 14:48

Just been billed for Tassa rifuiti. Wait for it................... Wait for it................... Wait for it................... Wait for it...................   Year 2004.

Fri, 03/11/2011 - 14:55

What have the EU (and David C) ever done for us? The aqueduct, sanitation, roads, irrigation, medicine, education, health.... Hearing the BBC iplayer is shortly to be made available overseas at a subscription of around £7.50 per month.

Thu, 03/03/2011 - 17:34

I know pv has been covered extensively in the past, but I thought that it may be helpful to post the current numbers and maths that are being advertised here. (Sardinia). This is for a carport installation roofed by 3kw of pv panels.

Thu, 02/17/2011 - 14:46

First of all, I would like to say that other than the odd bottle of wine or meal, I have no financial interest whatsoever,  in any property or estate agency business. That said, just speaking around, there does seem to be a general feeling that th

Sun, 02/06/2011 - 17:06

Feels to me, £ is too high.

Tue, 09/21/2010 - 07:57

For anyone looking to run a bed and breakfast (or already running one) there is an excellent article in this month's "Cose di Case" magazine (August).

Tue, 08/03/2010 - 12:58

Has anyone got a really good method of cooking/recipe? Have loads in the l'orto but never seemed to be able to cook these with satisfactory results. I've only got a frying pan, so cannot deep fry.

Sun, 06/06/2010 - 04:37

It seems that the conventional wisdom that sterling would collapse on a hung parliament is being turned on its head.

Fri, 04/23/2010 - 17:00

Comments posted

Mon, 09/07/2009 - 17:15

Is this an immobilliare website or a "property finder" website?

Answer to: TV set from UK
Sat, 08/29/2009 - 07:51

Adriatica, think this is because the sound channel in Italy is on a different frequency from that in the UK. (Certainly was with analogue).  With newer tv's the frequency can be changed from the menu settings. Gabrielledi, if you want to be absolutely sure I'd phone up lg's technical help desk. I'd hate you to take over for nothing. However, virtually all new brands of tv will now work in Italy. Also, when moving its best to have the tv in an upright position. This puts less pressure on the screen.

Answer to: TV set from UK
Fri, 08/28/2009 - 18:22

Should work absolutely fine.

Fri, 08/28/2009 - 08:52

To have them professionally sealed and polished (by machine) costs around €15 per square metre where we are (Sardinia). You can probably negotiate a discount for such a large area but its never going to be cheap.

Fri, 08/28/2009 - 04:30

Good advice  from Ram again. Also there is normally a time limit on when the works have to be started otherwise permission has to be reapplied for.

Thu, 08/20/2009 - 07:36

As first steps, in the UK try Barclays (Woolwich). In Italy try Banca per la Casa (Unicredito). Maximum mortgages in both cases are likely to be around 70% loan to value.

Tue, 08/18/2009 - 15:51

Its also worth noting that German and Swiss schools have a two week half term break. I think its the last week in September, first week in October this year but not absolutely sure. We see a lot of Swiss in Sardinia at that time.

Tue, 08/18/2009 - 15:40

Another site that seems to be used on the continent is  

Mon, 08/17/2009 - 12:54

Outside Italy, the biggest rental market for Italian properties is Germany and Switzerland. If you have a web site then I would say thats its important to have a german language translation. In my opinion, however, its better to link up with an Italian agent. Commissions may be around 15% but a good agent will take care of handovers, cleaning etc. We rent out our house in July and August. In eight years using a local agent we have only ever had two vacant weeks and this was really down to a misunderstanding. In all that time we have never rented to anyone from the UK (and in fact have seen few enquires). Its been mostly Italians who tend to book in January and February but the continentals also tend to book fairly early as well. If you are focussing solely on the UK market, I think you could be really missing out. Especially with the current £-€  exchange rate which makes Italy much more expensive for anyone based in the UK compared to two years ago.

Wed, 08/12/2009 - 11:15

What a nightmare. Just been reading some of the posts on in calabria.