sebastiano's activity

Questions Asked

Unfortunately whilst still waiting for some kind of government the italian economy is still struggling and in great difficulty.Amongst the many negative indicators this morning it was announced that in the last two months over 10.000 shops have cl

Sat, 03/16/2013 - 08:45

Since publication in the official gazzette n° 14 on the 17/01/2013 it has become obbligatory for all those who host/house paying guests to comunicate their guests' details directly to their local questura by computer.In order to do so it is neces

Fri, 01/25/2013 - 10:00

There have been some rumours of a possible downgrading of Ancona airport to a freight only scalo.Finally national government is trying to bring an end to the era of "an airport in every town" in which minor areas and comunities all wanted to have

Wed, 11/28/2012 - 09:48

we have guests from 15 countries (including italians) given that even google maps have difficulty in finding our location we always ask guests on booking to inform us from where they are coming so we can send them VERY SIMPLE INDICATIONS as to how

Tue, 09/06/2011 - 10:28

I was just reading someone called Pat Eggleton who wrote a patronizing article on the home page of this site concerning a proposal by a minister to shorten or do away with altogether with working lunch breaks.the writer may even have been to Italy

Wed, 11/25/2009 - 12:14

The other day our post lady delivered me a registered letter from was from the ministero delle entrate...revenue again.As usual it was ,to say the least, almost incomprehensible .From what little one could glean it was concerning their "st

Tue, 06/16/2009 - 09:17

Comments posted

Thu, 05/27/2010 - 02:55

hi Anne,yes with the new budget one of the features is that all provinces with a total population less than 220.000 will be closed.there are about ten including Fermo and Ascoli Piceno.For those of the population who have been wanting for years for them to get rid of these institutions( which was initially the plan when the regions were created in the begining of the seventies) this is a small start but goes in the right direction.There is going to be then pressure on the regions to then start supressing single municipalities or grouping them together into larger units which all makes good sense and in the marche especially in our area there is much to do in that direction too given the size of many/most of the comuni we'll see what happens.unfortunately we're used to big declarations which end up being compromized in time..

Fri, 05/21/2010 - 03:01

whilst i ALWAYS admire new initiatives and entreprenurial sprit there are a few things to consider first.Firstly as a company importing we presume in an INTRASTAT regime (ie from other E.U. states like the UK.)( That means exempt from VAT on the invoices from say the UK ,which then has to be added immediately at the local rate once in Italy.You would immediately be subject to what are described as the toughest health laws vis a vis foodstuffs in the world.The premesis which you would require in order to stock even dry/cured/bottled/preserved goods would have to have specific requisites and  be in a highly controlled situation.In order not to be tedious which further details on the fiscal/health law front the next questions would concern the market.You could be suprised to discover that some of the most popular brands/items that you may be considering are already taken.That is that certain Italian food companies already have  exclusive distributive agreements with certain British food companies ,even if certain single products are not actually or actively imported because considered that they would not be appreciated by the Italian market (horlicks anyone?)and as of course our friend in LA correctly points out there may well not actually be enough brits in Italy to justify such an enterprise.A last point concerns bacon.Italy is a large producer of bacon and exports too in quantities.Unlike a lot of bacon to be found nowadays in the UK often rindless unsmoked stuff chemically treated it is still with rind and properly smoked and is very good.It is readily available in better supermarkets or shops with cured meats etc.i live in a rural area and can get it easily enough it is still cut off a large back (like the old days) rather than being in a packet.I sincerely believe that the worst approach would be to buy a refrigerator van to start.All this DOES NOT mean that it is not a good idea to start a food company simply that it is worth considering IN DEPTH all the aspects concerned as you presumably would were you in the UK.

Answer to: Bank Account
Sat, 05/08/2010 - 11:00

if you have money to send back to the uk,and your husband we presume has a good job.the most logical thing to do would be for him to speak to his employer,given that this person we assume has a good company and probably excellent relations with most of the banks in your area.Your husband's employer may even help in introducing him to one of these banks and permit yourselves to enjoy better banking conditions than you might otherwise get just "turning up at the door of a bank".All Italian banks btw have home banking facilities  so that's not an issue.That is what i would do in your position and have done so in Italy when i was an employee for a will get you a lot farther than any replies you may get on this forum and is the normal way of going about things in Italy.

Thu, 05/06/2010 - 02:53

when you wrote in the details did you write them exactly as they appear on official documents ie. first your sirname then your first name then,if you have one your second name. then the cf must be written all together no spaces in capitals it should work like that.

Wed, 05/05/2010 - 04:00

just a personal opinion.whilst you're right they can be attractive but there are not a few downsides.they are generally quite a lot bulkier than new ones,they are very heavy,they take ages to heat up although yes they do cool down much slower than alu ones, they may still make something similar but i'm not sure however if you go down the road of restoring old ones it's quite a costly business as they should be sanded inside and out then the rust treatment externally then the final exterior coat which would make them pretty pricy compared to new ones which whilst not as nice to look at are however discreet and one tends not to see them.....we went into this when we restored and changed our minds...

Sat, 05/01/2010 - 03:34

indipendent from the issues concerning tax payment in the uk or italy there is however another issue.that is that under italian law it is permitted as a private person to rent their house for UP to 60 days a year.that doesn't mean what you got, but the max time it is allowed to be rented for.if however and people's booking calendars are the evidence of this, showing a 12 month calendar of possible vacancy then the italian authorities will consider it to be a business ie. not only does tax hit in but other authorizations ,VAT, health and safety obbligations/inspections and so on.

Answer to: Confused!!
Sun, 04/25/2010 - 10:15

most of what has been said in other replies is also true but there are a couple of other aspects which lead to these is people's (vendors) reticence to engage a single estate agent to handle the sale ie. often there is no exclusive mandate. this can lead to single estate agents "attributing" a price to a house.Another aspect is the fact that if one is talking about a rural property ..casale,country house,abandoned farmsteads,cottages etc.. then there is no price.Whilst modern and urban properties are generally sold on a price per square metre basis in the case of rural properties this can vary tremendously for fairly ephimeral reasons eg. lovely rural property with some land and an unfortunate view of the back of a distant chicken meal factory, or too great a proximity to a main road,or particularly critcal geological situation like built on sliding blue clay etc etc the result is your price per square metre is straight out of the window.Curiously enough when we bought we never made an offer we signed to the price.From what i've seen it appears usual however for Brits to haggle on the price or make much lower offers than the asking price.I know an estate agent who aware of this,raises the price so the client can go thru the charade of haggling the price,the price comes down ,everyone's happy and the house is sold at the original "base" price.At which point the differing prices can be explained a little.Besides estate agents it's not unusual for the vendors themselves to change/raise the price.agent a. talks to vendor and puts it on the market for 299.000. but it hasn't sold.the vendor hears that his friend giovanni sold his for when agent b.comes to the vendor he says he now wants 335.000 for the place as it's better than giovanni's place which sold for 325.000..

Fri, 03/26/2010 - 06:36

 no worse than getting married in say Henley.....

Tue, 03/16/2010 - 06:46

 sorry to keep putting it in this thread but i cant seem to start a new thread(?) i'm not sure if this is part of the same legislative "packet" but ALL those who have a business web site in ITALY and or paper "supports" brochures or whatever are obliged (and this is already "in vigore" since 09/2009) to include on their web sites and brochures the following data: name and full address of the company, VAT number, codice fiscale, enrollment number on the register of companies (numero d'iscrizione nel registro delle imprese), name of the town in which the registration was made( ufficio del registro delle imprese presso quale è stata effettuata l'iscrizione) and the R.E.A code number (numero codice R.E.A) AS USUAL there is a handsome packet of fines and sanctions for those not complying with all this.... it seems that every day now there is some "novità" to attend to......

Tue, 03/16/2010 - 06:26

 thanks for that.i since reading your reply i have discovered that i too will have to make intrastat declarations even if goods are not involved because it is now extended to services so i asked my commercialista who are slowly (very) looking into what i'll have to's never ending!