sebastiano's activity

Questions Asked

Unfortunately whilst still waiting for some kind of government the italian economy is still struggling and in great difficulty.Amongst the many negative indicators this morning it was announced that in the last two months over 10.000 shops have cl

Sat, 03/16/2013 - 08:45

Since publication in the official gazzette n° 14 on the 17/01/2013 it has become obbligatory for all those who host/house paying guests to comunicate their guests' details directly to their local questura by computer.In order to do so it is neces

Fri, 01/25/2013 - 10:00

There have been some rumours of a possible downgrading of Ancona airport to a freight only scalo.Finally national government is trying to bring an end to the era of "an airport in every town" in which minor areas and comunities all wanted to have

Wed, 11/28/2012 - 09:48

we have guests from 15 countries (including italians) given that even google maps have difficulty in finding our location we always ask guests on booking to inform us from where they are coming so we can send them VERY SIMPLE INDICATIONS as to how

Tue, 09/06/2011 - 10:28

I was just reading someone called Pat Eggleton who wrote a patronizing article on the home page of this site concerning a proposal by a minister to shorten or do away with altogether with working lunch breaks.the writer may even have been to Italy

Wed, 11/25/2009 - 12:14

The other day our post lady delivered me a registered letter from was from the ministero delle entrate...revenue again.As usual it was ,to say the least, almost incomprehensible .From what little one could glean it was concerning their "st

Tue, 06/16/2009 - 09:17

Comments posted

Answer to: Farm type gates
Tue, 03/16/2010 - 06:22

 i have to confess, that i've never seen one in central italy. presumably most do not feel the need for the case of a barrier to a road the most they usually go in for is a weighted iron bar which in extreme cases can be chained down to avoid passage on the road, this sometimes is red and white but gives it quite a zoll/douane/customs like look...alternatively villa's seem to go in for fancy wrought iron jobs.....

Tue, 03/16/2010 - 04:31

 the bread lady's mum and saints apart...we musn't forget the calendar which is still winter until the end of this week 21st march when the spring equinox starts...sometimes...over the last few years it's been notable how really warm weather in south western marche (over 40km from the coast) doesn't seem to really get going until the begining of MAY! whilst anything to be described as vaguely hot not until the snow finally leaves the mountains which,if there's a lot,doesn't happen until some time in which time you'll be staring at the wood pile and wondering about next winter's wood supply ....just to be optimistic you understand

Mon, 03/15/2010 - 07:08

 yes,i would like to hear about this too can't you put it into a reply?

Wed, 03/10/2010 - 11:00

 Yes,what you have heard is correct.One has to have a registered electrician who has to put in your system to current E.U. norms.When his work is completed he has to test it all then issue a certification which also lists all components used etc etc and sign off. Without this and a similar document from your registerd plumber for the equivalent works on water system and heating one cannot obtain the certificate of habitabilitywithout which you cannot live in your house neither can you sell it (easily) for obvious reasons these electricians will generally not sign off other people's work or DIY jobs because their certification can have (in case of flaws) penal consequences.However you may admire this fellows diy skills we heard of a case not far from us in which a foreign family converted their attic as a bedroom for their teenage son putting in their own electrics and making the modifications to the house without planning permission later on a fire broke out in which the young person actually died leading to..well you can imagine.At the end of the day these laws do serve something.

Tue, 03/09/2010 - 11:53

 yes,we're having a lot of weather here at the the usual pessimistic forecast of the bread lady's mother she assures me because it was bad on the day of some particular saint (whose name i've forgotton)we will now have another forty days and nights of bad weather taking in most of April with a bad easter too.whilst more authorative weather people are talking of a very hot torrid we'll go probably from winter to summer...again.

Answer to: oliveoil
Fri, 03/05/2010 - 10:17

 what stribs says is pretty well the story.the only points on which i would add are that the resa ie. the productivity can be higher up to even 50 kg on a big tree and the oil extracted can go up to 19/20 kg.per quintale.we always pick fairly late usually around the middle of november this over years has led to a higher level of oil as the "water" in the fruit is less.we have 104 trees on a good year taking into account weather interuptions can take 2/3 weeks for 2/4 people (all variables) pretty well full time so if you calculate 8 hrs per day x 3 people x 15 days at theoretical 10 euro x hour you start to see the lack of profit in the story.we always have to put people on "contracts by the day" otherwise the risks of gigantic fines from the work inspectorate would be unsustainable

Fri, 03/05/2010 - 09:58

 i have had some second hand experience of these people i know who entered this labarynth.Basically depending on it's precise status in tech. terms THEY decide what you can/must do they dictate even the exact building materials (often hard to get,nearly always expensive) they can,for example decide that you cannot put in radiators for example or double glazed windows,they can decide colour schemes (even the paint to be used) and a lot else all this at your expense.BE VERY CAREFUL as you won't be able to get all the answers you need/want up front until the building is your own by which time it can be too late......bargepoles anyone...

Answer to: renovation
Tue, 03/02/2010 - 10:47

 as capo says any grants are a benefit only to national tax payers.the other thing you should consider is the kind of house large,very large,small then it's foreseen use.if you intend living there all the time in average to largish house which means 120 sq. metres to a little over 200. then it would definitely be worth your while using a wood fired heating system ( remember however that you'll need a lot of wood,need to store it and feed constantly your fire/stove/boiler thats a lot of wood to move around.if however you're intending to use it mainly for a holiday home ie. in the summer and perhaps just occasionally in the winter then i would suggest a standard gas fired system.if you are are in a remote area using GPL or if available methane.these are in any case efficient and can heat your house very quickly when and where necessary and gas is pretty clean and it's a pay as you go system.You may think that after having spent not a small amount on having a lovely 100 years plus roof restored that you actually wouldn't want to cover it in dismal solar panels...anyway i wouldn't    

Wed, 02/24/2010 - 09:06

 no,apparently he won't (buy in the marche) it appears for the same reason that he's selling up on lake Como...too many hustlers/paperazzi etc. The story here is that in great secrecy he took rooms in what poses itself as a top hotel on the beach in an area close to Ancona however the as++++e proprietor so proud of his new guest went and blew the news "around town" and to the press with the result that when george woke up in the morning there was a seriously big gaggle of young and not so young women screaming around outside and the usual band of "reporters" at which ,it seems G. took off.Which whilst not giving a toss personally about the man could have gained cudos for the region at a much lower price than paying a fortune to dustin hoffman to be an improbable "testimonial" for the region's turism.I think he will get proper vip treatment in Sardegna cos they're used to his sort there.....our loss no.   So  

Mon, 02/22/2010 - 10:31

 thats what they generally call them around Puglia which is the "main area where these are eaten. they are great have a slightly pinkish flesh.And hopefully i will not be beaten alive for saying that pickled in good vinegar they  beat pickled onions (although that is what they are)