sebastiano's activity

Questions Asked

Unfortunately whilst still waiting for some kind of government the italian economy is still struggling and in great difficulty.Amongst the many negative indicators this morning it was announced that in the last two months over 10.000 shops have cl

Sat, 03/16/2013 - 08:45

Since publication in the official gazzette n° 14 on the 17/01/2013 it has become obbligatory for all those who host/house paying guests to comunicate their guests' details directly to their local questura by computer.In order to do so it is neces

Fri, 01/25/2013 - 10:00

There have been some rumours of a possible downgrading of Ancona airport to a freight only scalo.Finally national government is trying to bring an end to the era of "an airport in every town" in which minor areas and comunities all wanted to have

Wed, 11/28/2012 - 09:48

we have guests from 15 countries (including italians) given that even google maps have difficulty in finding our location we always ask guests on booking to inform us from where they are coming so we can send them VERY SIMPLE INDICATIONS as to how

Tue, 09/06/2011 - 10:28

I was just reading someone called Pat Eggleton who wrote a patronizing article on the home page of this site concerning a proposal by a minister to shorten or do away with altogether with working lunch breaks.the writer may even have been to Italy

Wed, 11/25/2009 - 12:14

The other day our post lady delivered me a registered letter from was from the ministero delle entrate...revenue again.As usual it was ,to say the least, almost incomprehensible .From what little one could glean it was concerning their "st

Tue, 06/16/2009 - 09:17

Comments posted

Tue, 10/13/2009 - 11:12

hi penny,i go for the eye test to the occulist just behind the carisap in amandola and then get the glasses made up by the optician in the square.after 35 years old it's worth spending the 50 euro for a medical occulist to do a complete eye test before going to the glasses people and you'll get a proper prescription,there's also quite a good occulist in comunanza too.

Answer to: Olives per tree
Mon, 10/05/2009 - 05:22

everyone asks them selves why local oil produced simply and not mixed or adulterated costs 6/7 euro whilst in supermarkets you can find it for as little as 3/4 euro.the facrt is whatever you saw o thought you saw on the label does not necessarily tell you about it's true origin etc a lot of "manufacturers are using even north african oils these  apparently can have very high acidity levels so have to mixed with other oils or things to bring the levels down and acheive a taste acceptability.nevertheless you're right unless on a very large "industrialized" scale it is not profitable and indeed a lot of work but those who have them and do it are nevertheless satisfied with that.

Mon, 10/05/2009 - 03:37

one of the reasons he keeps getting elected is the alternative which nobody (few) want ,a rag tag and bobtail agglomoration of failed comunists/greens/ex christian democrats and socialists incapable of running a social club let alone the country.

Sun, 10/04/2009 - 12:06

if you take the bus from the airport to the train station it'll probably take only 10 mins and is cheap .there are a couple of cheap hotels right in front of the station in Ancona.

Sat, 10/03/2009 - 04:16

i agree with capo boi.having said that and apart from variety of life can say go easy on electricity which is very expensive,careful of insurance ( car insurance for example is roughly +34% higher than most of europe) gas and gas oil for heating are expensive so be prepared for lower winter temperatures in your as your neighbours do, it'll be a lot cheaper than eating in an english way ( ie. eat seasonal food no cherries in january,oranges between october thru feb only,etc) less industrial/processed foods.if you intend working be aware taxes are high and socialsecurity/pension contributions on trains/buses and public transport is a lot cheaper.Eating out is in fact not so much cheaper if you're not going to "cheap and cheerful" places pizza places etc.The cost of living in some of the larger cities is almost comparable to london (milano -roma) the cost of living in central and certainly southern italy is lower than in the north although the quality of social services in the south are considerably at a low/middle level is not too costly at higher levels can be expensive.generally telephone costs are significantly higher both for land lines and mobile phones ( recent news said that the average monthly cost for a cell phone in italy is 3 times the cost of the netherlands ( despite the fact italy has the worlds highest density of cell phones).bank charges are high so you really have to shop around for good deals. local taxes ( house tax/rates etc are insignificant unless you live in a large villa) water costs are stupidly low. Avoid at all costs legal litigation it's expensive and you won't get satisfaction,Health service is generally very good and free providing you are E.U. and you have all your papers in order,and apparently where you live(?) although you may have to pay some small charges for some medicines or medical tests if you are not hopspitalized.if you have children be aware that school books can be quite an expense as they are not provided...the list can get quite long..... 

Answer to: Olives per tree
Thu, 10/01/2009 - 11:00

i very much doubt that he would sell it at all unless you have a huge number of trees/olives ,yes the price this year was around Euro 6. per litre of newly pressed oil (don't forget the cost of the press too,taking the olives to the press,bringing the oil back from the press,buying stainless steel bins in which to store it etc)although we sell some oil to guests and others with 104 trees it's hardly considered viable commercially speaking although we can usually produce enough for all our needs over the year including all cooking.

Answer to: property history
Mon, 09/28/2009 - 09:09

is this a listed building of historic importance?or a deconsacrated church or an important building in a town/village? in these cases it might be possible to get some more information but if it's just an old rural house it's unlikely you'll find much or anything sometimes the local comune has photos of old buildings going back to usually not much before 1900

Answer to: Going it alone
Sun, 09/27/2009 - 04:58

if you are a good qualified nurse you could get work here in the italian nhs almost immediately it woyuld of course be necessary to speak enough italian but you'd be snapped up they've even started hiring spanish and polish nurses because they vcan't find enough here ,it's the same hard underpaid work that it is in the uk btw but depends to some extent where you would be etc.

Sat, 09/26/2009 - 09:36

it is VERY diificult to find rented flats etc in Ancona and expensive  because of the large uni population i suggest that you widen your research to Porto recanati /osimo etc where you might find something as they only really get busy in the summer period

Sat, 09/26/2009 - 03:08

pre school education is in fact famous in the area of reggio emilia.even the swedish government sent commissions to "study" their activities they have set unrivalled standards of excellence ( and i'm referring to public structures not private education) however and unfortunately this is not the case over most of the country,where in many areas there is a gross shortage of pre schools or others which are little more than parking lots for infants...some years ago i was involved in an initiative of the company i then worked for in italy (Lego) and was able to witness personally these great institutions.