sprostoni's activity

Questions Asked

I have tried to contribute, I have taken advice, I have given (hopefully) advice, I have tried to generate discussion, I have now given up, good luck to the rest of ya !S

Sun, 10/21/2012 - 17:27

Does anybody know more about this ?SReform of Italy: "40 provinces, 10 metropolitan areas"Rome - More than half of the Italian provinces are going to be cut and 10 metropolitan areas introduced.

Sat, 07/21/2012 - 11:25

How bad can life be..........desperate.........Ancona - Two illegal immigrants have been found dead, one almost dead and two in a coma on the Superfast ferry from Greece. The ferry docked at Ancona this afternoon at around 5.30 pm (CET).

Tue, 06/26/2012 - 03:44

Can anyone explain in simple terms, where all these BILLIONS of euros actually go? We now have Cyprus saying 'Can we have some?' This is the 5th eurozone country so far to say this..............Will I recieve a few hundred grand soon? S

Mon, 06/25/2012 - 15:31

We have just returned from a driving trip (slog!!) to the UK, and on the way back, we booked into a BARGAIN IBIS hotel in 'Grandate'.

Sun, 06/24/2012 - 11:47

I KNOW WE HAVE BEEN HERE BEFORE...........Is anybody getting UK TV (and maybe SKY) here in central Italy OTHER THAN via the Internet ?If so............please let me know howThanks in advance,S

Fri, 06/22/2012 - 16:52

Afetr 4 years of 'bliss' (!?!) here in Le Marche, I recently took my four year old car for it's first revisione. A few hours later, I got back the paperwork, with an appropriate stamp.

Mon, 03/19/2012 - 11:46

I know we've been here before but...........Italian tax men blitz the chic in ski resort raids Italian tax agents donned skis, gloves and goggles to launch an unusual blitz in the chic ski resort of Courmayeur, two months after a similar raid on

Tue, 02/21/2012 - 02:05

I have seen that the Italian Government is eliminating some public holidays in 2012 and/or moving those that occur mid-week to a Sunday.Does anyone have a link reflecting whether or not this has been officially confirmed ?Thanks in advance,S

Thu, 02/16/2012 - 05:56

Whilst snowed in here in Penna San Giovanni, I was looking for some bright spots in the financial world.

Fri, 02/03/2012 - 02:08

Comments posted

Answer to: Hot or Wot !!?
Sat, 07/17/2010 - 16:20

My sister (and her husband) arrive tomorrow and I'm thinking that they will absolutely SCORCH..........they WILL!! I will need to pour water/birra/G&T/ down her/him, but I'm not sure on the measures? I'll play it by ear 'probabilmente'.............. Tough life this eh ?!!!! Pool still 31c +..................cor blimey! S  

Answer to: Hot or Wot !!?
Sat, 07/17/2010 - 08:40

Yes we could use a shower or two at the mo...............problem is, we'll probably get 3months worth overnight and the next day I'll have to go and dig my drive up from DOWN the hill and re-lay it back UP the hill!! Where's the beer!? S

Answer to: help help help
Fri, 07/16/2010 - 11:26

A general location would help us narrow down options ? S

Answer to: Hot or Wot !!?
Fri, 07/16/2010 - 08:02

Here in our village (in Le Marche), the temperature has now been very hot and sunny for three weeks and looks like being so for the next week at least...........here is a weather forecast......... http://www.ilmeteo.it/meteo/Penna+San+Giovanni Too HOT !! S

Thu, 07/08/2010 - 12:10

Bravo alan h............. If anyone at all is travelling or sending down our way, you have some superb views/directions..........  well done ! S

Answer to: Washing Machines
Thu, 07/01/2010 - 11:02

Sorry folks...........yes we did start off talking about washing machines and then we moved onto mashed potatos (Gala Placidia's fault!) then onto onion gravy and then sausages ...........................before spending the euro in P d Falerone  ! The things people talk about eh !?? If only I could do it in Italian!!!!!! I will try your masterplan Penny....................brava! S

Answer to: Washing Machines
Wed, 06/30/2010 - 16:19

I assume re the euro exchange that you refer to, I required a LITTLE bit more change (1 euro 10/20c??) .........joking aside..............I am a 6' 5" strapping chap, fine head of hair (some year's ago !)..............look sort of 45  years old ?? (HA!!!) ......I was once!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 Please get back re salsicca..... Caio ciao........... S  

Answer to: Washing Machines
Wed, 06/30/2010 - 09:26

Crikey Charlie.............The mash is great, the onion gravy is great.....................BUT................we REALLY struggle to find good sausages around here (Penna San Giovanni, Le Marche), normally they are VERY salty, we also struggle with cheese.............as much Pecorino as there is, it's just not Cheddar ! If I was loading a car to drive here now, I would pile it up with mature cheddar, and freeze it when we arrived. S

Answer to: TV set from UK
Mon, 06/28/2010 - 11:02

alan h is correct.............some friends of mine have moved into a house locally and plugged in their electric toaster (1.4kw) and their electric kettle(1.8Kw).......together they total more than the total 3Kw, so with all the other LITTLE things running (fridge freezer, TV, radio, computer,lights  etc) you can guess what happened! I think Enel (electric suppliers) HAVE to provide 10% more than your nominated supply amount, so if you have a 3Kw supply, you will be provided with 3.3Kw. You can upgrade in (I think) 3Kw chunks, so 3,6,9 etc............ We have 6Kw here and it covers all of our needs including pool pump etc. We use gas hob for our cuppas. Good Luck, S

Sun, 06/27/2010 - 02:56

 Colonel Mustard...............I am saddened, you have (I suppose) to take some responsibility yourself, as, during the interviewing process when selecting the (at the time) future 'Mrs', surely you covered in detail the 'I'm always in charge' area of questioning? Good luck............ S