sprostoni's activity

Questions Asked

PISA, 26 EUROS FOR 3 CAPPUCCINOS+PASTRIES, 1000 EURO FINE(AGI) Pisa - When he was presented with the bill, 25,80 euros for 3 cappuccinos and 3 pastries, he paid without a word.

Mon, 01/23/2012 - 01:40

I am fast approaching the need to renew my driving licence as it is due to expire this mid year.

Mon, 01/16/2012 - 05:43

I have a regular sum of money sent over from the UK every month. This month however the money left my UK account and has yet to arrive here in Italy (Banca della Marche).

Thu, 01/12/2012 - 08:30

I saw this comment from a Californian news item............Emerging Cuisines from Emerging Markets - As the world grows smaller, the selection of cuisines grows larger and guests’ palettes are begging to try new flavours.

Sat, 12/10/2011 - 10:43

It will take a quite monumental event to prise us from our wonderful life and friends here. BUT,................. what/where is the future for the younger generation here ?

Fri, 11/25/2011 - 13:30

Being a full time resident here in Italy, we are having a month or so on holiday in another EU country (not in the UK, our country of origin). Does anybody know what 'travel' related health cover are we 'entitled' to ?

Mon, 11/21/2011 - 01:43

I'm sure someone here will advise (hopefully)............I have some 30/40 false acacia trees (the ones with the spikes - ouch !), they have grown in the last 5 years to some 15/20metres high.

Sat, 11/19/2011 - 03:50

"Mr Berlusconi told Italian television: "Life in Italy is good. The restaurants are full. It's difficult to get a seat on a plane they're so busy; holidays are all booked up."There you go then, no financial crisis here !?S

Sun, 11/06/2011 - 02:04

We go to this area every few years.............such a disaster for the people there..............A number of British holidaymakers have been left fearing for their homes and their lives after severe flooding swept away properties and cars and kill

Wed, 10/26/2011 - 10:08

Over 3 days since last post ??!!We're doomed!S

Sat, 10/15/2011 - 09:44

Comments posted

Tue, 12/06/2011 - 23:31

Does anyone know what the 1,000 Euro cash transaction limit means ? S

Fri, 12/02/2011 - 11:23

A point here................when does an italian car need it's first 'MOT', is it AFTER it is 4 years old ? S

Mon, 11/28/2011 - 01:15

We usually do a direct line stopping in Colmar (Beautiful) and maybe Como, but ..............we head to the east coast. One things for sure lots of people do the journey so there'll be no shortage of help. S

Sat, 11/26/2011 - 01:23

A powerful jet, aimed from 3 metres away should do it. Or, even better, get the professionals in. S

Fri, 11/25/2011 - 10:39

Hi karenr, Why do I doubt it will work ? I have a very good friend here locally and between us we have been trying all sorts of products from freesat and others. We (in Penna San Giovanni) here are on the very edge of the satellite footprint and therefore connectivity is almost certain to be 'flakey'. (We can see the Astra satellite easily on an iPhone and Sky is no probs). It would be great if 'they(tooway)' could undertake a proving exercise (for free!), if it did work, I would think that they would get a lot of takers ! I live on the side of a hill looking due south towards Smerillo and Monte San Martino, all of the villages around me are 200 metres above me. My dish (the size of a plate from Fidoka), has DIRECT LINE OF SIGHT to both a Fidoka(at Monte San Martino) and a Getby(Smerillo) antennae so I guess I'm lucky? I have (realistically) a 99% connectivity to 4mb. Another friend has an almost identical setup to me with Getby (6mb), BUT he does not have direct line of sight to the antenna, so he has a shared connection (with other properties nearby), therefore he has only a share of the 6mb. He is connected via a receiving dish(pointing to the Getby antenna) on a neighbouring property which is then bounced around the other 3/4 properties using it.  So, although he has not got line of sight to the antenna, he still gets a decent 'bounced' connection. (if that makes sense!) I'm surprised that Getby gave you the thumbs down..................pop along to Fidoka on the SP78 and try there, they MIGHT just do it ? Good luck ! S

Fri, 11/25/2011 - 04:09

I had a look at the 'tooway' product and it 'seems' good but I think expensive. BUT.................if it works well where you are in Italy (which I STRONGLY doubt) then it will be worth it if there is no other solution. The Internet nowadays is a 'must have' product, and I think the future is full streaming TV access via the Internet instead of the current range of Sky products. The problem with 'tooway' and others, they are totally unproven here in Italy to my knowledge. Maybe a supplier would like to take up a free trial over here (ha !!). Here in Penna San Giovanni, there are at least two suppliers of very stable wireless connectivity (Fidoka & Getby), are there no similar in 'your' area? S

Mon, 11/21/2011 - 09:14

Aaaaah right, I didn't realise that the Tessera Sanitaria was 'the' one; I'll sort out the extra bits. We'll be driving so we don't expect to lose luggage etc, Cheers, S

Answer to: Trees
Sat, 11/19/2011 - 05:14

I almost sent you a pm on this as I KNEW that you would be able to help, but thought that the Forum (and possibly the gardening section) would be a more visible option for others, Thanks a lot............I'll be 'busy' for the next few days .....crying S

Answer to: House Insurance
Thu, 11/17/2011 - 08:42

Lakeside, Thanks for the clarification, I KNOW that no misinformation was intended, I just had this recollection that 'they' had a get out clause. I have to say that I don't even know wether I have this extension ! I think I'll spend next years premium on wine/beer/prosecco ?!!? Ha! S

Answer to: House Insurance
Thu, 11/17/2011 - 04:51

I'm intrigued Lakeside,............. my Intasure policy wording says : Section 1 Clause 5 We will not pay for: Loss or damage caused by subsidence or landslip, frost, weight of snow, swimming pool covers, filtration systems etc etccrying   (Wonder why I bother insuring !)