sprostoni's activity

Questions Asked

PISA, 26 EUROS FOR 3 CAPPUCCINOS+PASTRIES, 1000 EURO FINE(AGI) Pisa - When he was presented with the bill, 25,80 euros for 3 cappuccinos and 3 pastries, he paid without a word.

Mon, 01/23/2012 - 01:40

I am fast approaching the need to renew my driving licence as it is due to expire this mid year.

Mon, 01/16/2012 - 05:43

I have a regular sum of money sent over from the UK every month. This month however the money left my UK account and has yet to arrive here in Italy (Banca della Marche).

Thu, 01/12/2012 - 08:30

I saw this comment from a Californian news item............Emerging Cuisines from Emerging Markets - As the world grows smaller, the selection of cuisines grows larger and guests’ palettes are begging to try new flavours.

Sat, 12/10/2011 - 10:43

It will take a quite monumental event to prise us from our wonderful life and friends here. BUT,................. what/where is the future for the younger generation here ?

Fri, 11/25/2011 - 13:30

Being a full time resident here in Italy, we are having a month or so on holiday in another EU country (not in the UK, our country of origin). Does anybody know what 'travel' related health cover are we 'entitled' to ?

Mon, 11/21/2011 - 01:43

I'm sure someone here will advise (hopefully)............I have some 30/40 false acacia trees (the ones with the spikes - ouch !), they have grown in the last 5 years to some 15/20metres high.

Sat, 11/19/2011 - 03:50

"Mr Berlusconi told Italian television: "Life in Italy is good. The restaurants are full. It's difficult to get a seat on a plane they're so busy; holidays are all booked up."There you go then, no financial crisis here !?S

Sun, 11/06/2011 - 02:04

We go to this area every few years.............such a disaster for the people there..............A number of British holidaymakers have been left fearing for their homes and their lives after severe flooding swept away properties and cars and kill

Wed, 10/26/2011 - 10:08

Over 3 days since last post ??!!We're doomed!S

Sat, 10/15/2011 - 09:44

Comments posted

Mon, 11/14/2011 - 14:09

Well, talk about restrictions.............. "maximum of only 3 bedrooms for guests min space for double room 14sq.mts min for single room 8 sq. mt.Only industrial foodstuffs with appropriate expiry dates etc can be served to guests  " How on earth can new businesses develop and grow ?......blimey ! What great info we get on Italy Mag eh?, bravo sebastiano ! S

Answer to: House Insurance
Sat, 11/12/2011 - 14:15

I must check, I seem to recall that the insurers tend to cover EARTHQUAKE damage..........but NOT landslips/frane, I'll check in the next day or so and get back, I can't recall whether I'm with Intasure or not........ ? S

Sat, 11/12/2011 - 12:20

Here here !

Fri, 11/11/2011 - 02:29

great, frank assessment Ram, S

Thu, 11/10/2011 - 09:30

In reality, it won't happen BUT, I'm keeping only a minimal amount of cash here ! IF IF it was to happen, I think we would lose 30% of the value of any cash we have in bank accounts here? Having said that, I'm sure we are a long long way from that? S

Mon, 11/07/2011 - 12:58

totally agree alanh.................easy to find fault with others S

Sun, 11/06/2011 - 15:04

Gala Placidia, lots of people have been living beyond their means for years............sad world at present. On another front.............I see that there has been a MASSIVE (3 times the size of the earth !!! gulp !) sunspot/solar flare in the last few days, it could effect communications here on the ground ! Also, I came across a photo of the devastation in Genoa today..................blimey !!! I'm not sure how to link to it, very bad.......... S

Sun, 11/06/2011 - 11:53

The media has a LOT of power me thinks ! S

Wed, 11/02/2011 - 11:25

sagraiasolar.................. thanks a lot, this sounds an interesting option, I may look into it a little more and possibly use it as a workhorse for TV etc, freeing up the laptop for other stuff ? Cheers, S

Mon, 10/31/2011 - 13:35

Shocking situation.............irritates me that (apparently), little or no mention of it on UK news ? S