sprostoni's activity

Questions Asked

PISA, 26 EUROS FOR 3 CAPPUCCINOS+PASTRIES, 1000 EURO FINE(AGI) Pisa - When he was presented with the bill, 25,80 euros for 3 cappuccinos and 3 pastries, he paid without a word.

Mon, 01/23/2012 - 01:40

I am fast approaching the need to renew my driving licence as it is due to expire this mid year.

Mon, 01/16/2012 - 05:43

I have a regular sum of money sent over from the UK every month. This month however the money left my UK account and has yet to arrive here in Italy (Banca della Marche).

Thu, 01/12/2012 - 08:30

I saw this comment from a Californian news item............Emerging Cuisines from Emerging Markets - As the world grows smaller, the selection of cuisines grows larger and guests’ palettes are begging to try new flavours.

Sat, 12/10/2011 - 10:43

It will take a quite monumental event to prise us from our wonderful life and friends here. BUT,................. what/where is the future for the younger generation here ?

Fri, 11/25/2011 - 13:30

Being a full time resident here in Italy, we are having a month or so on holiday in another EU country (not in the UK, our country of origin). Does anybody know what 'travel' related health cover are we 'entitled' to ?

Mon, 11/21/2011 - 01:43

I'm sure someone here will advise (hopefully)............I have some 30/40 false acacia trees (the ones with the spikes - ouch !), they have grown in the last 5 years to some 15/20metres high.

Sat, 11/19/2011 - 03:50

"Mr Berlusconi told Italian television: "Life in Italy is good. The restaurants are full. It's difficult to get a seat on a plane they're so busy; holidays are all booked up."There you go then, no financial crisis here !?S

Sun, 11/06/2011 - 02:04

We go to this area every few years.............such a disaster for the people there..............A number of British holidaymakers have been left fearing for their homes and their lives after severe flooding swept away properties and cars and kill

Wed, 10/26/2011 - 10:08

Over 3 days since last post ??!!We're doomed!S

Sat, 10/15/2011 - 09:44

Comments posted

Thu, 05/19/2011 - 18:08

Lucky, lucky, lucky, VERY envious ! S

Wed, 05/18/2011 - 15:24

I am writing this after looking to see if there are any new posts..............ONE DAY TWO HOURS since the last post on the site !   This is precisely what I commented upon originally on this thread............There MUST be somebody who has posted OR is it me OR .............is this site looking doomed ??? Che !!?? S

Answer to: Postage to UK
Sat, 05/14/2011 - 12:12

You have my sympathies, as I think the postal costs here are OUTRAGEOUS. If a little Birthday card weighs over 20 grams (TWENTY GRAMS !!!)...........so, a 22 gram letter makes the cost go up from 75c to 2.40 Euros(no inbetween rates .........2.40 Euros !)..................we are stopping sending them purely out of principle, I'd rather phone even if it costs more ! S

Answer to: Kindle
Sat, 05/14/2011 - 07:42

I'm not a 'kindler', but I do seem to recall whilst looking at a friends, it appeared to have MPG and MP3 capability, and, if one is accessing the Internet to buy books etc via it, then one presumes that it would be a small extra step to 'surf' ? I found the following: You need to purchase internet service package from one of providers, for instance, Road runner. After they showed up and installed a modem. You need to have a wireless router. Use a lan cable which comes with almost wireless router to connect the modem and the router. When you connect the cable in the router you have to choose a proper port. Usually it's written on router where the internet port is. You need to connect the cable in the router internet port. After that you might have to configure the router. Read more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Can_already_connect_to_network_but_not_internet_How_do_you_connect_to_wireless_internet#ixzz1MK2U7jpW S

Sat, 05/14/2011 - 07:36

Hi Pat H, I also liked the 'old' format and mentioned that the change process at that time was AWFUL . BUT...........I have to say that I am very used to this current format now and it works very well for me. My normal mode of access is by targetting viewing only those messages that are unread by me. I have a single click of the button to access these unread items. Those that interest me I just scroll through and reply/add/contradict as my knowledge allows. I think in general, whilst there are always things to improve, I say well done to the administrators and in particular to the posters who have provided me with LOADS of excellent information in the last 3+ years. bravi tutti ! S

Fri, 05/13/2011 - 13:39

Without doubt, the drawings, the ideas and the 'getting things sorted' was a breeze with our geometra. We also went (very risky I know !) without a solicitor. Good luck whichever way you go ! S

Tue, 05/10/2011 - 13:32

Hi chrisnotton, You seem to have covered most of the angles, the only thing that (I know) that you didn't mention was the driving licence, I was under the impression that this was a 'requirement' ? S

Tue, 05/10/2011 - 07:05

chrisnotton...............have you transferred your licence? S

Answer to: Kindle
Tue, 05/10/2011 - 07:01

I think I know personally at least 6 people who use these (it's not for me) and they all say how easy it is to use, even for the non-techies ! S

Tue, 05/10/2011 - 03:09

Yes please bunterboy !