sprostoni's activity

Questions Asked

PISA, 26 EUROS FOR 3 CAPPUCCINOS+PASTRIES, 1000 EURO FINE(AGI) Pisa - When he was presented with the bill, 25,80 euros for 3 cappuccinos and 3 pastries, he paid without a word.

Mon, 01/23/2012 - 01:40

I am fast approaching the need to renew my driving licence as it is due to expire this mid year.

Mon, 01/16/2012 - 05:43

I have a regular sum of money sent over from the UK every month. This month however the money left my UK account and has yet to arrive here in Italy (Banca della Marche).

Thu, 01/12/2012 - 08:30

I saw this comment from a Californian news item............Emerging Cuisines from Emerging Markets - As the world grows smaller, the selection of cuisines grows larger and guests’ palettes are begging to try new flavours.

Sat, 12/10/2011 - 10:43

It will take a quite monumental event to prise us from our wonderful life and friends here. BUT,................. what/where is the future for the younger generation here ?

Fri, 11/25/2011 - 13:30

Being a full time resident here in Italy, we are having a month or so on holiday in another EU country (not in the UK, our country of origin). Does anybody know what 'travel' related health cover are we 'entitled' to ?

Mon, 11/21/2011 - 01:43

I'm sure someone here will advise (hopefully)............I have some 30/40 false acacia trees (the ones with the spikes - ouch !), they have grown in the last 5 years to some 15/20metres high.

Sat, 11/19/2011 - 03:50

"Mr Berlusconi told Italian television: "Life in Italy is good. The restaurants are full. It's difficult to get a seat on a plane they're so busy; holidays are all booked up."There you go then, no financial crisis here !?S

Sun, 11/06/2011 - 02:04

We go to this area every few years.............such a disaster for the people there..............A number of British holidaymakers have been left fearing for their homes and their lives after severe flooding swept away properties and cars and kill

Wed, 10/26/2011 - 10:08

Over 3 days since last post ??!!We're doomed!S

Sat, 10/15/2011 - 09:44

Comments posted

Wed, 04/27/2011 - 04:00

That all makes sense, thanks Ram, I was SORT of under the impression that, when/if the day comes that we were to sell, the rules re abitabilità may have changed during the years that we have had the house? The original part of our house dates back to 1836, but some (understandably) MAJOR changes were undertaken in the last ten years, so when we bought (3+ years ago) there was a newly dated certificato produced for us. S

Answer to: Scottish Cup
Fri, 04/22/2011 - 13:15

Not recommendions but have a look, they are flaky and my anti virus software is always up to date(!)............. this site WILL have it live at the time................ http://livetv.ru/en/allupcomingsports/1/ Go to the football option on the day............ OR................. Try the following site : http://www.freedocast.com/channels.aspx S

Wed, 04/20/2011 - 16:41

The links for the webcams are on the maps themselves, they look like small dark blue 'cameras', click on any and it shows the actual traffic.... S

Wed, 04/20/2011 - 15:03

Capo Boi ......I like it !! I don't REALLY understand it all but I THINK it is in general bad news? I arrived here late in 2007, does that mean that I am 23.2% down on my finances (when considering FX transfers) ? Regardless, we're having the life of Riley.................luvving it! S

Wed, 04/20/2011 - 14:43

Hi Penny, I just had a play with that link myself and all the roads look clear, clicking on a webcam gives you a LIVE view of the traffic, I have no idea re the trains, and I'm not sure sad where the border is (!) S

Wed, 04/20/2011 - 14:37

Hi Penny, I'm not there (cos I'm here !!)...but you may get some info from the live webcams .............link here...........you'll need to play with it..... http://www.autostrade.it/autostrade/traffico.do?mapLevel=micro&mappa=ancona_8&mapType=traffico S

Wed, 04/20/2011 - 09:18

I could not have worded it better...............BUT, as they have not sorted themselves out, Italy has done it's job (of a sort), but it is only addressing the problem, NOT the CAUSE of the problem. S

Answer to: tree
Mon, 04/18/2011 - 14:33

doh !!! I should have got that, the dieletto threw me, thanks Penny. One of the best of these is at Tre Querche, at PsG, which we often have lunch under in the summer months...very nice, cioa ciao, S

Answer to: Intasure
Sun, 04/17/2011 - 18:35

Hi Brianm, I think it's great that you know who the official agency is........LOT's of people will not know. Pray tell? LOTs of people also have very limited Italian language skills so everything is a challenge. Yes, you could say learn Italian but not everyone is able to - for many reasons. S

Sun, 04/17/2011 - 18:07

Sorry Brianm, I disagree.........the italians that I live with are very much 'get things done merchants' albeit in their own time and way. I think the immigration issue is a MUCH wider issue for Europe (and actually the world) as a whole. I would ask ............what should Italy do ? 1. Let everyone from Africa in? OR, 2. Let no one from Africa in? OR, 3. Sink the boats? OR, 4. Is there another option ? S