sprostoni's activity

Questions Asked

I have yet to find out how to reply to AN INITIAL posting, I only seem to be able to reply to REPLIES to the initial posting...............I've looked but obviously I'm missing something!!??

Wed, 08/12/2009 - 11:10

Whoa....................warming up here nicely at the mo..............................35 in the shade..............

Thu, 07/23/2009 - 11:42

Things grow SO fast here (in le Marche) that I was wondering if it would be throwing some potatoes into the ground to see if they grow? Is it too hot or too dry does one think? S

Sat, 07/18/2009 - 10:22

Can I just say that after expressing much dismay and dissatisfaction with the manner  (and way) of the changes to Italymag over recent months...............I for one think that it now is working like a dream..................very very well done fo

Sat, 07/18/2009 - 10:14

WELL !!!!!What staggering storms we are having at the moment !!The most violent cloudburst (thunder, lightening, staggering amount of rain!).................Having experienced some aroud the world (Americas/Africa etc)................I think today

Sun, 07/05/2009 - 11:25

I REALLY would like a 'thank you' button somewhere, is it there and I can't find it? S

Wed, 06/24/2009 - 00:13

Folks, Hope you can help here?Can I buy PLASTIC guttering (and fittings) here in Italy? If so where would I get it? Thanks in advance.............

Sat, 06/20/2009 - 11:56

I think I (who have been very disappointed in the past!) need to eat some humble pie.......... Now that the enhancements have been made, (with the honourable exception of the search facilit) the site is now workable and (for me) understandable....

Wed, 06/17/2009 - 16:56

I planted an Orange tree, with all it's lovely buds and leaves................................ Well, it looked like all was going well, then the flowers dropped orf!!!!!!!!! A big GREEN 'thingy' was there............

Wed, 06/17/2009 - 16:49

Friends, Romans, Countrymen................Wow , there have been improvements, well done to those involved, it is actually getting there, I think we still need :

    Wed, 06/10/2009 - 16:17

    Comments posted

    Fri, 01/06/2012 - 05:05

    Hi Penny, Where in Umbria is your friend? I'd be interested in the targetted footprint of Tooway to see if I could try it here in Le Marche, although I've been generally happy with Fidoka here for the last three years. I might get in touch to ask about a trial................. S

    Thu, 01/05/2012 - 08:08

    t this rate, my car will be up for sale soon and I'll buy myself an vespa (not the food !) S

    Wed, 01/04/2012 - 12:59

    very slightly different..(ok quite a bit different !) ..........having today returned from Bavaria............Just before I left, I filled the car with a tank of Deisel (140.9 per litre).................get home here to see that the price is 159 !!!!!!!!!!! Is this a new austerity measure ? S

    Sun, 01/01/2012 - 05:26

    My word, another year.................I woke up, realised that I was above ground and said, wow, I've made it into another year !! Happy New Year to one and all !! S

    Wed, 12/21/2011 - 11:37

    Too late, ...sausages and goulash coming out of my ears ! S

    Tue, 12/20/2011 - 10:35

    What WONDERFUL stories...................I could read these all day, mainly because they are real, what will the children think in years to come !! ??? A VERY Merry Christmas to all !!  smiley From here (would you believe) in snowy BAVARIA !!! S

    Answer to: ENEL Price Guide
    Sun, 12/18/2011 - 05:38

    Whilst I cannot help with the queries that you have, it's very good of you to translate this info. I have been aware of the timings and costings for a few years but shamefully had not thought that anyone would be interested to know that (in the summer time), it is better to have most of your pool pump, dishwasher etc working through the night time (if possible) as it is a cheaper tariff. Well done, a lot of people will make use of this info, S

    Sun, 12/11/2011 - 05:31

    sebastaino, I tend to agree with your view, I suspect that the Chef Victor Casanova (that praises the food) may be a Marchigiano ? I havn't seen (as yet) much sign of 'tempura becoming a regular "italian" dish' other than at the nearby Japanese restaurant ........... buon appetito ! S

    Sat, 12/10/2011 - 14:07

    I think my neighbour calls it a very similar name - sounds like 'cheekoria', with the emphasis on the 'o' (as in orange) bit. He farms around our place and at times his wife (and others) come down and dig up baskets full of (what I think) is weeds, they say to me just take them, but weeds look all the same to me. I occasionally see  cars parked up near the fields on the Piane de Falerone road with lots of people walking around with baskets picking greens out of the fields. They know what to do around here ! S  

    Answer to: Banking
    Fri, 12/09/2011 - 14:51

    Hi Bella Caroline, "The Italians are all moving money out of the country at an ever increasing rate." I'm intrigued............where do you get this info from ? and where are 'they' moving their monies to ? S