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Questions Asked

Lost the will to live on this forum.............hard work .........new posts = NINE pages to wade through!!!!! Byeee

Wed, 06/03/2009 - 16:10

Well................Having now persevered and lost track of threads/posts etc mainly because I do a few other things and then come back here...........connect up and see EIGHT pages of new messages.....................I cannot possibly keep up....

Tue, 06/02/2009 - 13:47

I'm sorry (Ronald......or whoever else is involved!)..Having made a living from  IT for THIRTY years and believing to possess a fair understanding of technology and how to deliver systems.................I would have absolutely ha

Tue, 05/26/2009 - 11:55

Is there somewhere or something hidden in the bowels of Italmag where I could find what the rules are on medical expenses as in being charged for a check up...............we are residents and I am 60 years young, we are 'allegedly' to pay IF we ha

Sat, 05/23/2009 - 06:51

I have to go for blood tests and the doctor was asking what my income is (I am 60yrs young), if it is OVER 10,000euros I have to pay..........(I don't have any income as such in ITALY), I do have a pension paid in the UK (over 10,000euros) through

Fri, 05/22/2009 - 04:09

Comments posted

Wed, 01/19/2011 - 23:35

Hazy, well done indeed for the research! Is there any point in the EU?????? Other than a massive financial drain on member states? It seems that whatever one tries to do (because this is how it is done in my 'home' country), there seems to be differing rules and THEN these differing rules are interpreted and applied differently across the many provinces in Italy (and lord knows where else in the EU) ! [I can confirm that the Italian government do claim expenses from the UK for your health care in Italy.] I'm particularly surprised at this one..............one could therefore assume that the UK claims similar from Italy, and all the other EU countries do the same? My gawd.........what bureaucracy.... ..crikey charlie!! Thanks again, S

Wed, 01/05/2011 - 12:23

I am slowly adapting to life here after three years....(!! I know, a slow learner !!). Anyway, we have had some building work done around and about our property in those three years and it was amazing how quickly all of the rubble disappeared as soon as I said that I didn't want it!! Guess what....................on a number of occasions I have thought 'I wish that I had kept that as it could have done nicely for 'any number'  of jobs' !!! Most Italians keep EVERYTHING, because they will want it one day ! one  lives and (slowly) learns!.............I like the brazier idea! S

Mon, 01/03/2011 - 12:46

Likewise here............... S

Mon, 01/03/2011 - 09:59

As Tom Jones used to say...........ho ho ho ho ho ho! S

Answer to: GP
Sun, 01/02/2011 - 01:17

Hi Hazy, I am really sorry re your plight AND you are located in the Ascoli Piceno area. There has been a LOT of conversation about this over 60 (and below 65) age group on these boards. I suggest starting with the 'Marche Healthcare' group area. Penny is our resident expert, and no doubt will respond in due course. The bottom line is (as I understand it) regarding charges is that for 'non critical' requirements one pays the total cost where prescriptions are concerned, for 'critical' conditions they should be free. Blood tests and the like are paid for and can vary in the amount of the cost dependent upon how many tests are doing done with your sample. (it's called paying the ticket). Re your understanding - I'm going to check in the UK as I understand they give Italy money for me to the Italian health Service once I'm sixty,  - I'm not aware of this, but I believe that due to people retiring to Italy/France/Spain etc from the likes of the UK, each of these countries have similar charging structures for the over 60s to cover the ever increasing costs. I suggest you search these boards as there will be a LOT of info that may be helpful. You may also find a LOT of responses to your posts as well! Good luck with your fight and more importantly your health, S

Mon, 12/27/2010 - 11:46

..............but I like it !! S

Mon, 12/27/2010 - 11:43

Much the same across Europe..............if you are below the age of 65, you pay a sliding charge.....if a 'critical' illness...............free, other items you pay. It seems wrong to me as if you were living in the UK they would be free from the age of 60 (I think?)........but across the EU things change ( I totally disagree but that's the inconsistency of the EU..let  us know how you get on please? S

Wed, 12/22/2010 - 10:51

I recommend that you go there , they are on the SP 78 in Ripe San Ginesio (Via val di Fiastra) ...telephone 0733 663676, I have used them for nigh on 3 years and in general excellent service, I have just upgraded to their 4mb service (32E per month)...................doeswhat I need (and I bet I do more than 'you' !!!!) ..... Good luck, also for live streaming UK TV .....I use My Personal Network, or iPORTAL, both do the same things for circa £5 per month. buon natale a tutti, S

Tue, 12/21/2010 - 09:14

I think that if 'you' do the sums and 'you' determine for whatever reason, that it is the right thing for 'you' then go for it.............and well done I say ! It is just too much 'pay now gain later' for me, and particularly considering that the people that may help you through to success in the project (eg Bank, Enel, Govt), are taking (as I see it) ZERO risk? I look forward to congratulating you on this Forum in 10 years time ! (I might come for a loan !!!) Good Luck, S

Mon, 12/20/2010 - 11:20

Well................what a wonderful and very direct set of questions Capo Boi............ Prett much my thinking over the last few years, I would REALLY like some equally specific answers, the shorter the better for me as I have been struggling with this for ages! There seems to be a lot of smoke and mirrors around these solar panel thingies, very much a case of pay NOW (as in - possibly go into debt) and you MIGHT save later IF things go according to plan ! I think it would be good if the energy companies or governments fund these initiatives and, if it doesn't work as planned, the individual doesn't then have to take the hit ? What on earth would (say)Enel do if we all (everyone) went down this route, they wouldn't have a business! So I can't see them (or any govenrment) allowing it to happen. Which is a shame because we should be making more out of the natural resources around here. S