sprostoni's activity

Questions Asked

Lost the will to live on this forum.............hard work .........new posts = NINE pages to wade through!!!!! Byeee

Wed, 06/03/2009 - 16:10

Well................Having now persevered and lost track of threads/posts etc mainly because I do a few other things and then come back here...........connect up and see EIGHT pages of new messages.....................I cannot possibly keep up....

Tue, 06/02/2009 - 13:47

I'm sorry (Ronald......or whoever else is involved!)..Having made a living from  IT for THIRTY years and believing to possess a fair understanding of technology and how to deliver systems.................I would have absolutely ha

Tue, 05/26/2009 - 11:55

Is there somewhere or something hidden in the bowels of Italmag where I could find what the rules are on medical expenses as in being charged for a check up...............we are residents and I am 60 years young, we are 'allegedly' to pay IF we ha

Sat, 05/23/2009 - 06:51

I have to go for blood tests and the doctor was asking what my income is (I am 60yrs young), if it is OVER 10,000euros I have to pay..........(I don't have any income as such in ITALY), I do have a pension paid in the UK (over 10,000euros) through

Fri, 05/22/2009 - 04:09

Comments posted

Thu, 09/16/2010 - 12:08

Penny et al........... I recall back in blighty similar such issues with bandwidth and the likes living in a rural Cheshire village. When  we left (3 years ago), we managed to achieve a 1.2mb connection from BT via the 'not so' local exchange. Without doubt things will improve here SLOWLY, but, as I have mentioned on previous occasions, I have chosen to go down the wireless route (using Fidoka(1.2mb) from their antenna on Monte san Martino - they have other locations) for the time being, knowing that I will have STABILITY. Nigh on 100% of the time I get 1.2mb stable access to the internet. not good but STABLE. This allows me to get live streaming UK BBC/ITV etc TV, Youtube uploads and downloads and many other products. I do not do gaming). There is a newcomer (GetBY, I think it's called) in the area providing 5mb download speed -GOOD (I don't now much about them but I believe they operate out of computer shop in Montelparo???) who has an antenna on Smerillo. IA friend has it, it works, I've seen it, played with it etc.... Both have installation costs of 250thereafter, 300 per year.   So if you have line of sight to either Smerillo or Monte San Martino, either of these COULD be an option. I'm in my 3rd year with Fidoka...................I MAY move to GetBY in due course just for the bandwidth. No advertising from me.....just facts !! S  

Mon, 09/13/2010 - 14:58

I think you may have been very unlucky........most SENSIBLE geometras want to work with people........some could be 'loveable rogues'............ Good luck. S

Sat, 09/11/2010 - 10:45

I recall nearly three years ago asking a similar question. There is indeed an income based factoring, in that (I believe) if you have income (not sure what the definition of the word income is !) of OVER 13,000euros (or thereabouts) you 'pay the ticket' at your age. Over 65 it is all free. Prescription medicines (non chronic illness related), you pay for. Xrays, blood tests, cardiographs, ECGs etc you pay for. (see my other note about Comune interpretations!) Happy to hear alternative views! S    

Sat, 09/11/2010 - 10:35

Beeryspice...............I understand and sympathise with your frustrations. There are a LOT of answers already in this Forum (if 'one' could find them), but equally, there will be lots of 'the same' questions cropping up regularly (Cars, Insurance, Healthcare, UK TV, Internet etc etc). I am getting to know 'how it works' here, but there does appear to be at times a different 'interpretation' of rules almost Comune to Comune. I am delighted for people to 'repeat' post here especially if I can offer a view (no matter how good or bad). Your response is very clear and succinct, but there will still be others asking the same question again and again for sure! As we (used to) say in Liverpool..............'calm down, calm down.! Have another spicy beer !  yes ciao ciao.......... S

Sat, 09/11/2010 - 06:02

Have you checked your connection speed ? Because if you have a good speed, this would suggest it is not the connection, but your PC/router set up? Possible alternatives are dependant upon wether you have line of sight to either Monte San Martina ('Fidoka' 1.2mb connection there), or Smerillo ('Getby' 5mb connection there), both very stable, both about the same costs. S 

Answer to: Chimney sweep
Sat, 09/11/2010 - 05:57

I am speaking with a chap next week who is doing our two chimneys this month............I'll pass on his details then ? He lives in Falerone. S

Sat, 09/11/2010 - 04:32

One of the problems with ADSL (UP TO 7mb).....is it depends on how far from the exchange you are, how many other users are sharing that exchange at the same time etc etc.  Check your connection speed first with this....  http://www.mybroadbandspeed.co.uk/ . You really need at least 1mb download speed. I think you probably are more likely to need a visit to (say) global multimedia in (I think) piane de montegiorgio (opposite the TIM mobile phone shop?). They are very good and speak a bit of English (good for me anyway!) You may need to change your service provider( I assume it's telecom Italia?) Good luck, S

Fri, 09/10/2010 - 12:45

I think you pay for non chronic drugs. You also pay for 'treatments' regardless (I think!).  S

Thu, 09/09/2010 - 11:35

Outrageous behaviour in my view by the geometra.............talking is always good, putting his chains on is 'not talking', he takes takes them off then you both talk............. S

Wed, 09/08/2010 - 15:05

You OWN this property??!! It's a no brainer for me, he perceives that you owe him money, let him take YOU to court for the money owed. Just get some one else in to do the job properly, keep receipts for future court references. That is what I would do................ full stop. HOWEVER..................I would be prepared for a LOT of hassle from him and possibly his associates who may cause you issues in the future. Regardless of this I would still do as I suggest......... GOOD LUCK ! S