Ram's activity

Questions Asked

Suddenly there is a new forum and lots of new members appear from nowhere asking really useful questions!  it's almost as if someone somewhere is trying to make the new site justifuy its existence.  Which is nice.

Fri, 05/24/2013 - 01:13

One for Charlotte - i have an American client, executor of his fathers estate who says that under the Uniform International Wills Act he can deal with the Italian succession of his American/Italian father.

Wed, 01/23/2013 - 06:36

'Tourists' in ITaly have now got a deroga from the government allowing them to buy stuff that costs more than 1000 euros with cash.

Wed, 02/22/2012 - 03:22

There is a hugely important element to the manovra published yesterday. For people who took residence in Italy to get prima casa, but dont actually live here...From 2012 you will pay 7/1000 on the value of any property owned OUTSIDE ITaly.

Thu, 12/15/2011 - 02:52

oops apologies - going blind in my old age

Thu, 12/02/2010 - 03:55

So the Nationwide has introduced bank charges - £1 fee and 2% commission on every withdrawal via ATM abroad - Im gutted. But, I had no advance warning and am also deeply annoyed. Anyone else in the same boat?

Thu, 11/18/2010 - 03:54

Somewhat open mouthed to see a large ad for Giambrone on the front page of the Italy Mag website.

Sat, 11/06/2010 - 04:04

Does anyone have any info on the scudo fiscale.  It seems that the new version is not only retroactive, but anyone bringing money into Italy could be liable for 5% tax if they are resident.

Tue, 01/05/2010 - 13:05

 The disaster in the province of Messina goes to prove the instability and 'eyes wide shut' approach to living in Italy.

Mon, 10/05/2009 - 04:04

Comments posted

Mon, 04/04/2011 - 10:34

There is a highyl publicised case at the moment of Italians who have had their money 'taken care of' by the State after having dormant accounts, and they are now in court trying to force the government to give it back.  The government say its theirs, as they have no paperwork showing who it really belongs to...... 

Mon, 04/04/2011 - 04:42

Re-accatastamento is now done on a square metre basis - You have a variety of things to do - 2 segnalazione to the catasto for mistakes in the catasto, for which you pay even though its not your fault, and an accatastamento of a residential building - and here the question is - is it a casa fantasma or is it a re-accatastamento? Nevertheless it seems a pretty high figure.  To me the geometra seems to be saying:  A - get a copy of the foglio della mappa and put in the non catasto building which at present doesnt exist - in the right place, as well as the buildings that are bigger than they currently appear...  B - write the report as to why and what and how. C - Measure and prepare the other buildings which have to be catasto/reaccatasto D - draw up the new planimetrie which now have to be done by law, and submitted to the catasto. E - work out how much the RC will be for the new complex of buildings and how much ICI you'll have to pay.  

Tue, 03/29/2011 - 14:11

The idea of registering at the police station is all to do with the anti terrorism laws that were passed in 2001.  Fortuantely they are now being repealed - but as to whether there is still the requirement for the police to know where you sleep, Im not sure.  

Tue, 03/29/2011 - 03:14

I would do what your new geometra suggests.  Clear the decks with the first, and then move on.  Dont leave things in 'sospeso' or they will come back to haunt you, and then if you want call the Guardia di Finanza and tell them that your geometra offered to save you the IVA on your work - and then he'll get whats coming to come him.... good luck

Sun, 03/27/2011 - 05:17

Its possible I guess.  However, I do nothing without a cast iron procura.  A delega really isnt enough - and fewer and fewer notaios would accept one for a compromesso.  Accepting the fact that a compromesso is a promise to sell and not the ability to sell, technically the geometra wouldnt even need a  delega - I mean, I can promise to sell the Leaning Tower of Pisa, but it doesnt mean I can (see films by Totò) - so nowadays you only really sign the compromessi with the person who has the legal right to dispose of the property, either the owner or the procuratore - for me a delega wouldnt cut it, and has no real legal force.. 

Sat, 03/26/2011 - 04:55

If you signed a compromesso or preliminary contract of sale it must have an amount, a sell by date and be signed by one and all, or it is null.  So you received 10% as caparra or on account?  He had to complete the sale by...... As he has not done so the contract is finished.  Keep your money and get on wiht your life....  Obviously it will be more complicated than this, but your geometra has to be doubted.  There must be a scadenza for a compromesso to be valid.   If he paid you a caparra confirmatoria or an dposit on account muddies the waters a bit, but basically it is as Fillide says.  If you like send me a copy and Ill try and help.

Sat, 03/12/2011 - 03:30

water paid last year with a bill from 1995 - 2007.  I bought the house in 2006. Lesson learnt

Fri, 03/11/2011 - 05:19

its called Io speriamo che mela cavo - watch it!

Thu, 03/10/2011 - 09:04

Il ladro dei bambini - a carabinieri told to take two Sicilian children to the orphanage, and instead takes them back to Sicily - heartrending Ricomincio da tre - Massimo Troisi - one of the funniest films but you need to understand Neapolitan A film that i cant remember the title of (can anyone help) a milanese teacher sent to portici (Na) where he slowly learns to understand the mezzogiorno - lovely film - and a modern take on it is Benvenuti al sud which is surprisingly entertaining, and filmed in Castellamare so it looks lovely. 

Tue, 03/01/2011 - 03:05

is without doubt Fastweb, especially if you are in town and can have fibre optic - which I had in Naples.  However their customer services is laughable and when you threaten to leave they ring you up and offer fantastic deals to stay.  It isnt cheap, but is very reliable.