Ram's activity

Questions Asked

Suddenly there is a new forum and lots of new members appear from nowhere asking really useful questions!  it's almost as if someone somewhere is trying to make the new site justifuy its existence.  Which is nice.

Fri, 05/24/2013 - 01:13

One for Charlotte - i have an American client, executor of his fathers estate who says that under the Uniform International Wills Act he can deal with the Italian succession of his American/Italian father.

Wed, 01/23/2013 - 06:36

'Tourists' in ITaly have now got a deroga from the government allowing them to buy stuff that costs more than 1000 euros with cash.

Wed, 02/22/2012 - 03:22

There is a hugely important element to the manovra published yesterday. For people who took residence in Italy to get prima casa, but dont actually live here...From 2012 you will pay 7/1000 on the value of any property owned OUTSIDE ITaly.

Thu, 12/15/2011 - 02:52

oops apologies - going blind in my old age

Thu, 12/02/2010 - 03:55

So the Nationwide has introduced bank charges - £1 fee and 2% commission on every withdrawal via ATM abroad - Im gutted. But, I had no advance warning and am also deeply annoyed. Anyone else in the same boat?

Thu, 11/18/2010 - 03:54

Somewhat open mouthed to see a large ad for Giambrone on the front page of the Italy Mag website.

Sat, 11/06/2010 - 04:04

Does anyone have any info on the scudo fiscale.  It seems that the new version is not only retroactive, but anyone bringing money into Italy could be liable for 5% tax if they are resident.

Tue, 01/05/2010 - 13:05

 The disaster in the province of Messina goes to prove the instability and 'eyes wide shut' approach to living in Italy.

Mon, 10/05/2009 - 04:04

Comments posted

Wed, 11/24/2010 - 13:59

So now Giambrone is encouraging us to make a will with them.  Or, use the forums here - Free! . and avail yourslef of Charlotte Olivers expert advice.  Not such a difficult choice to make then :)

Fri, 11/19/2010 - 03:00

Unfortunately its not holidays... I have paperless banking, and so Nationwide sent me a letter to my UK address -Sometimes you wonder why you bother....  

Thu, 11/18/2010 - 04:58

And the lidl cheddar is really good.  Ive now got 10 packs in the fridge to see me through the winter...  Also the blackcurrant jam and the orange and ginger marmalade is worth stocking up on.   

Fri, 11/12/2010 - 02:57

you can check out a company at the www.registroimprese.it putting in either their job - agente or agenzia immobiliare with a province, or the name of the company and/or agent.  Unfortunately it is not foolproof - there are some real con merchants in my local list, but it does give you an idea.  Failing that, really dont be afraid to ask to see their documentation.  ANy decent agent will be happy to show you their accreditation.  Best of luck. 

Thu, 11/11/2010 - 13:30

t doesn't matter what the price the agent has the house on the market for - whatever offer price you put in (no matter how ridiculous) they are obliged to inform the seller Technically yes, but it depends on whether they have an exclusive mandate or not, which has a minimum price on the mandate.   You would be surprised how many agents dont tell the owners anything until they're ready! 

Wed, 11/10/2010 - 03:07

No, sorry Im in Sicily. If you go to the FIAIP site at www.fiaip.it you can find a list of all FIAIPagents , or look on www.cercacasa.it which is the listings site reserved for FIAIP members.   OR drop me a line and Ill do what I can - 

Tue, 11/09/2010 - 12:00

It sounds as if you have been drawn into what is, unfortunately, a typical state of affairs.  I am an estate agent - legal and official, and spend my life dealing with the 'abusivi' or unlicenced agents.  if I can Ill clear up a few things for you. 1 - If an agent is not registered as such, (such as your company 3) it is illegal for them to ask for commission, so you have no obligation to pay them anything.  They also, it seems have no mandate for the property.  You dont say if company 4 had an exclusive contract with the seller - if so, then it is up to company 4 to take action.  You are under no obligation to  do anything.   2. property finders are not estate agents - it does not exist as a profession in Italy.  Foreign property finders get round this by not charging commission, but a fee that is the same ie 3% or somesuch.  They cant do this.  You will also find that alot of the British based property companies are registered at Companies House, but dont declare an income in Britain, and dont exist in Italy so all the money ends up being cash in hand in euros and not declared to anyone.  The only loser here is the client, who has no protection in law.  3. You are right - a registered agent should display his IVA number and number of registration on the front page of his website.  However, an IVA number is no proof of his being an agent.  A plumber will have an IVA number, so there is nothing to stop him putting his IVA number on his site and selling houses on the side.   Your safest bet is to check that an agent is registered, and preferably an associate of one of the professional organisations: FIAIP, FIMAA or ANAMA - though only FIAIP is for estate agents only.  You were being dragged into a war between a registered agent and an illegal one - I am in court myself with an abusivo at the moment, but if you dont want to get involved you dont have to be.  On the other hand, there will be no fall out for you. Most 'property finders' add a hefty bit onto teh asking price in order to get their fee.  A registered agent will have the mandate - he knows who the seller is and how much is really being asked.  Everyone else is jsut trying it on.  Dont let it sour your dream - but go in with your eyes open.  If you send me a personal message Ill send you a copy of my book which explains all the pitfalls of buying in Italy.... 

Tue, 11/09/2010 - 03:48

The airport has been signed over to SoAco which is the Catania management company.  The  government has acknowledged that the airport will be national and therefore the air traffic control and fire brigade at the expense of central govt and not the province, and the last bits of paper shuffling should be finished by the end of this month to allow for a summer 2010 opening.  Ryanair have officially expressed their desire to use Comiso as a hub.  Jet 2 want to fly and are waiting for the opening date.   Today the papers report that the govt want to close all small 'bonsai' airports -26 of them - which will no doubt cause alot of wailing and gnashing of teeth.  56 million spent, and still not open.  Contracts about to given out for the extension of the Catania- Gela up to Modica - the next 30km will connect Modica and Rosolini - and work should start this year. 

Tue, 11/09/2010 - 03:38

Valentina,  I was not inferring that Palermo is a synonym for the mafia, which I assume is what you meant in your post - Giambrone is from palermo - and operates out of Palermo because he can longer, as far as I am aware, operate in the UK.  Google Giambrone + Solicitors Regulation Authority. I understand that Italy mag takes publicity on a pay and run system, like any other publication and market forces influence moral choices.  My point was that ITalymag as a font of knowledge and clear honest information does itself no favours being seen to promote a law firm that is the subject of countless law suits and disciplinary action.

Sun, 11/07/2010 - 04:22

I havent had problems with the firm, but many clients have.  The fact that Giambrone and Law no longer exists, and Giambrone Law operates out of Palermo should give an inkling as to why they don't have a UK presence - Google the press articles ignore the publicity.....