Ram's activity

Questions Asked

 from 1 July any act of sale must include a certificate of energy saving which every house in Italy will eventually need and should be displayed next to the numero civico of the property.

Tue, 06/16/2009 - 10:22

Comments posted

Answer to: Mortgages
Thu, 06/07/2012 - 10:53

It will be very difficult to get an Italian mortgage especially as its a half done house.  The legal maximum is 80% of the value, that is now commonly down to 60%.  If you can get a mortgage through a foreign lender do it - the paperwork, translation and so on makes it unnecessarily horrible going Italian.   Your residency may be Italian but it all depend where you earn.  

Mon, 06/04/2012 - 03:06

Yes, you can have one garage/box included as coming with a prima casa, but then you can have another building too.  So on the website, you have prima casa (A something) wiht hte possibility to have a pertinence included (a garage, a cantina, a chicken coop etc)  OR you can choose altri immobili (property where you are not resident) and other stuff that could never be 'prima casa' - office, church etc ....  So for example - take your act of sale and tot up the rendita catastale of all your particelle (house, garage and cantina) and put them in the box with an A something rating and add your deductions. If its a second house, you will have to calculate your house, cantina and garage separately as they all have different co-efficients, and then add them up, divide by two (for the tranches) and then divide by 2 again (half to the comune, half to the govt) - easy? Not. 

Mon, 06/04/2012 - 02:58

Call a friend who will pay in ITaly - you must pay by F24 or similar in a bank or PO.  (In italy obviously.  YOu have until 18 JUne for the first tranche.  So fill in the form, email to a willing person who will pay on your behalf and you reimborse them.  If you have a willing bank manager it can be debited directly from your account. 

Sun, 06/03/2012 - 03:21

As you cannot pay in one go this year - (conguaglio in December) the bank should have written 0102 in the box - and in December you would write 0202... As I said - its a mess.  (Im being a knowall because my commercialista has a software for this and so I had a lesson!)  However, in the case of a second house it is 50% to the comune and 50% to the state - codes EL and ER. 

Fri, 06/01/2012 - 02:50

I beg to differ!  Nowhere can I find how much is payable to the comune and how much to central govt.  As this must be made clear on the new F24 I am stuck.   If you were paying in one go you could put 0101 in the rateazione box - but you cant pay in one go this year so you must put in 0102, but if you are paying in 3 tranches, that is not valid either, but there is no code for 3 tranches...... etc etc etc 

Fri, 06/01/2012 - 02:45

Pennys guide is what you need to take into account when you buy.  If your property is 'luxury' when you buy it you dont get the prima casa discounts etc.  For IMU purposes you need to be A/8 (villa) or  A/9 (palazzo) above - if they were using the same criteria as ICI.  A/10 is an office.  

Thu, 05/31/2012 - 14:33

From 1 June the new 'simplified' F24 is available from the Agenzia website.  Its still as complicated as possible, but its only one page.  however the tribute codes are now released, it is not clear who gets what - state or comune.  At least they have announced that there will be no sanctions if the June payments are wrong! 

Wed, 05/30/2012 - 02:46

If its a new build its a legal requirement, and in some places you cant live in the house without it - as it isnt deemed habitable - as the name of the certificate suggests.  In most parts, its still an ongoing process and will take a few years to work through.  Certainly in earthquake zones they are a must.

Tue, 05/29/2012 - 13:25

whether you can sell wihtout one depends on the age of the property you are selling.  If it is without, then it is up to the buyers to pay for one - (all in cost about 1500 euros) - and they will need it as and when they sell.  If you have done work on the property then your geometra/architect should have sorted it as a matter of course.  

Mon, 05/28/2012 - 10:55

but if your comune hasnt fixed their ailoquota by 16 June, then you assume it is .76, and pay half that.  Then when they have officially decided it is the maximum you will pay the other half plus the difference by 16 December.