Ram's activity

Questions Asked

 from 1 July any act of sale must include a certificate of energy saving which every house in Italy will eventually need and should be displayed next to the numero civico of the property.

Tue, 06/16/2009 - 10:22

Comments posted

Fri, 04/20/2012 - 13:53

That fool Alfano started off his election campaign saying that IMU on prima casa should be for one year only - and we just watched the spread go through the roof again.  Fools. 

Thu, 04/19/2012 - 11:30

Thanks Charlotte - useful to know!

Thu, 04/19/2012 - 06:01

I agree that Charlotte will be able to help.  But - your father does not need a procura to pay taxes you owe.  He can just pay them.   You own a share of the house, and they cannot sell without your permission.     A second home - is called that because you live in London and are not resident in Italy, so your share of the family home is taxed as a nonresident - ie a second home.   This is where it gets complicated, because you could say that your father pay your share of taxes as they presumably dont pay you rent for your share but have comodato d'uso and possession of the house and are therefore liable for taxes.   The further complication is that when you father passes away you will inherit by law half of his share of the house (if you are an only child) so will end up being a 50% owner of the property.  However, you cant pay your taxes from the UK, they must be paid in Italy. 

Wed, 04/18/2012 - 02:53

I thought this, but then I thought that it was more like that as resident in a cointestata house Id pay 0.4 for my bit, but then cointestatee would pay .79 for theirs.  Or is that not possible? 

Tue, 04/17/2012 - 13:41

if you have moved you should have moved your residency.  You are now domiciled at another address, but still resident in an address where you are not resident.  If you get my drift.  It all boils down to that you should reside where you are resident unless there is a good reason - study, work etc.  The new laws on nuclear families are precisely that - you cant claim prima casa IMU in two houses in the same comune at the same time - if you are a family - law since yesterday! There are also new laws on divorced and separated couples as of today. 

Tue, 04/17/2012 - 11:05

Its 4 parts per 1000, so not 4% If you are not resident in Italy then you dont have prima casa - unfortunately you cant just elect to have prima casa - so if you are non resident ie havent done all the bureacratic hoop jumping, - then you will be seconda casa.   The three tranches for prima casa was passed yesterday by parliament. 

Answer to: New Taxes
Tue, 04/17/2012 - 10:06

None of your tax increase will go to the comune - 50% of IMU goes to central govt, whereas 100% of ICI remained with the comune.    What remains the comune may be able to keep, with of course more legal obligations at the door of the comune.  Things will just get worse. 

Tue, 04/17/2012 - 08:05

If you were resident and it was your prima casa you would pay .4% as abitazione prinicipale minus 200 euros and minus 50 euros for any children under 26 who live at home.  You must pay it by the F24 which you can download and go to your bank who will pay it.  Bear in mind that if it is a second home you must pay half on 16 June and half on 16 December.  If it is a first home you  pay 1/3 on 16 June, 1/3 on 16 sept and 1/3 on 16 December.

Mon, 04/16/2012 - 09:02

Well I would assume that my doctor or dentist earns a vast amount of money, whereas waiters earn pathetic wages - often below the legal minimum - because the restaurant owners expects them to make up the shortfall in tips.   As someone who was a waiter in London for a couple of years, I can guarantee the veracity of this - also that some managers took the entire tip pot as their own.    In Italy its a bit different, waiting on tables is a career, not something to do when you have no better option.  In Sicily you literally leave the spiccioli for the waiter, and certainly not more than a euro - and I agree the American customs are becoming entrenched over here.   In Naples you pay the barista 10 or 20 cents for a glass of water with your coffee, because he doesnt get paid much - if at all, by the bar owner.  So its not something you can be too generalised about.  At least here though if you dont tip you dont tip.  The waiters dont run after you screaming down the street!  

Mon, 04/16/2012 - 02:56

About rejigging it all again - from catastal values that take into account the mq, the date of build, and location - to scrapping this years IMU.   WHy cant they, just once, do what they say they're going to do - or not - without this endless dicking around.  Lordy.