Ram's activity

Questions Asked

 from 1 July any act of sale must include a certificate of energy saving which every house in Italy will eventually need and should be displayed next to the numero civico of the property.

Tue, 06/16/2009 - 10:22

Comments posted

Answer to: Integration
Sat, 02/05/2011 - 04:41

That will be a huge generalisation then, and proof that you have remained very British in your intolerance levels.

Answer to: 'Cash Back'
Wed, 02/02/2011 - 06:11


Answer to: house build
Tue, 02/01/2011 - 07:59

Sorry Fillide and Adriatica - comes of trying to deal with phone contemporaneously.... mea culpa

Answer to: house build
Mon, 01/31/2011 - 12:13

If your house was built by a building contractor and you bought new - as I suspect you did, you should have a 10 year guarantee on defects resulting from shoddy building.  This is enforceable, despite the labyrinthine workings of Italian law.  it is one of the few new laws that seems to work.  A judge will - if the problems are a direct result of a builder cutting costs or being useless - immediately instruct him to put matters right.  Unfortunately you cant bring in another builder until the original builder fails in his attempts.  But I would say it is worth getting a lawyer on to it, if, as Adriatica says, you are covered by the law.  It should say in your docuemntation - and the builder should have left a bond when the house was built.  

Fri, 01/28/2011 - 03:33

Just so you dont get your hopes up too high - this law was meant to be in force last March, and cannot be implemented until the adsl system is up to scratch and there is internet for all.   It will be part of next years milleproroghi..... 

Answer to: coffee machines?
Fri, 01/21/2011 - 03:03

have you tried ebay or www.subito.it ... you never know - tehre may be an unwanted Xmas present out there... 

Answer to: coffee machines?
Thu, 01/20/2011 - 14:49

I have a Nespresso and I reckon its the best coffee you can make at home.  

Tue, 01/18/2011 - 06:49

Usucapione is a complicated right and would not be relevant in this case, as if the owners are known it would be virtually impossible to excercise the right, and it would be need to be transcribed.  In 'bad faith' you would uncontested use for 20 years.  Here it is more likely that that there is a right of common 'possession' or 'use' given that they have farmed the land for a continuous period.   If they are registered farmers, even without a agrarian contract they can force the cession of land in some cases.  

Mon, 01/17/2011 - 13:27

If your land is classed as agricultural and results says as semi-inattivo or pascolo there is no reason why you cant have animals without any special permission.  If you are going to make your living from them its a different kettle of fish, and if you want grants and incentives you will have to register as a registered farmer.  however, if you want to use your agricultural land for agriculture there should be no problem at all - rememeber Italy is still a 'peasant society' and the idea of not being able to have a few chickens and a pig would not be acceptable to most Italians.  Here they keep them in town

Fri, 01/14/2011 - 16:20

Even if you improved the land and after 11 months the farmer decided to excercise his right of prelazione he would still have to pay you the money you invested in the land - obviously having all the work 'fatturato' is important if this were the case.  He would also have to pay what you paid for the land - a good reason NEVER to underdeclare the saleprice - not only illegal but very stupid.