Ram's activity

Questions Asked

 from 1 July any act of sale must include a certificate of energy saving which every house in Italy will eventually need and should be displayed next to the numero civico of the property.

Tue, 06/16/2009 - 10:22

Comments posted

Sat, 09/12/2009 - 12:39

 If you have no signed contract with agency one they have no claim if you sell via agency 2.  If you have two agencies on non exclusive contracts, the one who brings the eventual buyer will take the commission.  If agency 1 brings the buyer but the buyer buys through agency 2 you could be in trouble - technically the agents should share the commission, but agency 1 could claim to have been instrumental in the final sale and claim their full commission.If you have nothing signed then there is nothing to worry about. 

Sat, 09/12/2009 - 12:35

 I agree - Gela has its petrochemicals and refineries from teh UDC in the 1960s and 70's fulfilling the wish list of Sicilians wanting employment, and then imposing the plant on an unwilling population.  At the time Gela was the obvious choice for importing Libyan oil and gas - and local politicians are to blame for turning a blind eye to abuses.  HOwever, the plants at Gela and priolo were imposed by central government (and ENEL and others) to keep costs down and maximise profits.   the same is true of the current government plan to build a nucelar power station 6km from teh Valley of the Temples in Agrigento, which nobody wants, (other than the usual people who mix alot of cement), but central govt has decided that Agrigento is a perfect place for a nuccelar station despite a high seismic risk, a world heritage site and no water.   

Sat, 09/12/2009 - 04:13

All true Im afraid - Gela is a disaster - used as a dumping ground and cheap source of wealth by certain parties since the 1960's and is now paying the price - It is not just the mafia who is at fault, but central government who, before tangentopoli, used Gela to clawback huge amonts of money from the appalti and leave the place to rot.  Gela has 1 in 6 children born with serious disorders, and the govt say it is in line with figures - whatever that means.  It would be suicide for Rome to admit they are responsible - though nowadays it seems that they say what they like and nobody takes a blind bit of notice.  The new mayor of Gela has requested the presence of the army to counteract the organised crime.  Fortunately it is a small area that is affected, the geology and topography of the area mean that Gela sits in a natural basin on the edge of the Iblea, and the ill effects dont spread east to the province of Ragusa.

Fri, 09/11/2009 - 08:23

 Go to Naples and buy it raw - they'd even put it in a  sandwich.  Its sold on the street, hanging from a hook and doused with water - the Neapolitans regard it as a rare and exotic snack - I have to say it makes me gag just looking at it.

Answer to: Roundabouts?
Tue, 09/08/2009 - 02:38

 All true - nowadays the law states that those on the roundabout take precedence - so if someone crashes into you, its their fault.  Anyone who passed their test before 2000 will not know this.  And you're in Campania where there are no traffic laws!  

Mon, 09/07/2009 - 08:12

 She's a legal agent so thats always a good start! 

Mon, 09/07/2009 - 03:18

 Perhaps you're both right - Garda certainly is, but the new extension should have a certificazione of agibilità/abitabilità and perhaps the insurance company want to know it wasnt built abusivamente???? ... Id plump for the dichiarazione first and see what the insurance people say.

Mon, 09/07/2009 - 03:15

 Linseed oil on slate would never work - slate is non porous so it would just sit on the top.  

Sun, 09/06/2009 - 05:03

 In days of yore they used linseed oil 

Fri, 09/04/2009 - 03:46

 So you've got an ente urbano and some land.  Well, seeing that you're in Tuscany thats a good sign as it means that permissions for reconstruction are a foregone conclusion.   The other thing to check with the comune is that you have no vincoli on the land as these will advsersely affect the price.  ALOT:  Your 30 foot oak trees may well have a vincolo from the forestale for example, (but thats no bad thing unless yoyre a chainsaw fanatic)  Property prices in Arezzo are among the highest in Italy so why dont you spend half an hour looking at whats currently available on the internet for land and ruins and you can get an idea of the current land values - at least the requested prices.