Ram's activity

Questions Asked

 from 1 July any act of sale must include a certificate of energy saving which every house in Italy will eventually need and should be displayed next to the numero civico of the property.

Tue, 06/16/2009 - 10:22

Comments posted

Fri, 08/14/2009 - 11:31

 Tim do  a pay as you go key - but its not cheap. 

Wed, 08/12/2009 - 11:09

 3 do not do a PAYG service - 3 is a UMTS service, and if there is no UMTS coverage it uses the TIM network.  The 3 dealis 19 euros per month for 800 hours unlimited internet - 24 month contract, and miles better than tim and vodafone - but if you dont live in a decent UMTS coverd zone its  waste of time and money. 

Fri, 08/07/2009 - 07:44

 Or add sun dried tomatoes - very Sicilian.

Thu, 08/06/2009 - 08:50

 Where to start?  Giambrone has closed up in the Uk and allegedly done a runner to palermo.  The SRG want to speak to him and his ex associates for many many reasons.  He has also, I hear, taken all his client records out of the UK which he shouldnt have done.    Itll all end in tears and hopefully justice for many clients. 

Wed, 08/05/2009 - 03:28

 If you want to be an official holiday let - ie on the official list of places to stay you will need to jump through hoops with the APT, and it probably wont be worth your while.  If you let longer term I would recommend that you only let on a contratto transitorio (furnished for up to 18 months) and you retain your rights as landlord.  It means the renter must declare that he is there for work or study and have his residnece in another comune.  The contract should be registered at the Ufficio delle Entrate.If you let unofficially its a breeze, but declare the income on your IRPEF return. 

Tue, 08/04/2009 - 03:16

 If you're not a resident you can apply for a carta di soggiorno which should give you the required paperwork to buy a car.  It isnt compulsory (since March 2007)  but is the only real alternative.   Im assuming youre a european citizen. 

Mon, 08/03/2009 - 04:27

Marrige certificates and birth certificates are being requested more and more by comunes for proof of status - they must be translated, but it doesnt have to be a traduzione giurata.  The birth certificate thing really annoys me because a British passport is proof of birth but they dont accept it as such.   

Sat, 08/01/2009 - 03:53

 Just to fill it out a bit - the only thing to do is make a will, and then you can leave what you like to who you like.  Otherwise there is a very complicated list of who gets what starting with children and spouse and going on to 3rd cousin twice removed.  You can make a short will saying you want everything to be done according to your country of citizenship, and thats the only way to include 'significant others'!

Fri, 07/31/2009 - 09:38

 they dont.  common law partners dont exist in italian law. 

Thu, 07/30/2009 - 05:27

 Debts in Italy are on the property not the person - and it is possible that a house is sold with debts even though the compromesso will state that the property must be sold free of debt.   As the only recourse is through the courts, it means that some people are happy to sell a property with debt knowing it will take years before they are brought to book.  Believe it!