FromNowOn's activity

Questions Asked

It must be very obvious to those of you who live in Italy and are used to supermarket shopping, but for me, new to food-shopping in Italy, I was puzzled why I could not find ordinary salt anywhere on the shelves.We spent the first few short days i

Wed, 08/19/2009 - 08:34

Does anyone have any suggestions for small gifts from England that might be welcomed by our new Italian neighbours?  We are trying to improve our Italian and want to be friendly with these new condominium neighbours who have been very welcoming. 

Sat, 08/08/2009 - 15:41

If you are looking for a UK  based dual qualified Italian Avvocato and English Solicitor you can try Laura Protti. Laura is a the founder of LEP Law .  She was in charge of the Italian Department at Howells, London, but has set up independently wi

Thu, 08/06/2009 - 17:40

I have two avatars on display and I want to get rid of the first one (of me) which appears every time I make a new posting.  The second avatar (of an eye) is the one I want to keep, and this one shows on everything except new postings. I have trie

Fri, 07/31/2009 - 08:13

Just back from Italy after completing on the purchase of our new garden appartamento in Lunigiana.  We are thrilled to bits, the neighbours have been very welcoming, introducing themselves over the hedge and from the balconies, and passing over bo

Mon, 07/27/2009 - 17:14

Has anyone experience of making a property/contents claim from any of the following insurance companies?

Wed, 07/22/2009 - 09:13

 I have just read this article, it was published on the web at the end of May 2009. Following complaints about bed-bugs and ticks on their trains, Trenitalia reacted by withdrawing 508 carriages from circulation.

Sun, 07/05/2009 - 11:03

Please can someone recommend a mobile broadband provider with good coverage in Villafranca in Lunigiana?  We will only be there on holiday trips and so would prefer a pay-as-you-go contract.I have been trying to understand all the information cont

Thu, 06/25/2009 - 16:11

This community is wonderful.  In the last few days since I registered as a new member I have had posts from people giving replies to my earlier questions, and in particular I want to say a public thank you to Lila who sent me a private message giv

Sun, 06/14/2009 - 14:47

I have deleted my current photo and uploaded a new one.  However, on old posts I see the old photo.  Will this remain and the new photo only display on new posts?  Ideally, I just want to use the new photo please.

Wed, 06/10/2009 - 08:28

Comments posted

Wed, 08/19/2009 - 09:57

I'm pretty good at Turkish cooking (30 years experience with Cypriot home cooks) do you think I can convert the neighbours?  (I know there's no chance getting them to go English!). 

Wed, 08/19/2009 - 09:33

Well, yes I would have been looking for something like the little round Saxa salt boxes!  We really did look long and hard in both supermarkets.  I have to say there were not many spices either.  I said to Allan, "looks like they don't use the same kind of spices we do at home" ........ not that we wanted them ..... we are going all out Italian.

Answer to: New Member
Wed, 08/12/2009 - 09:15

Have logged on to your site for people living in Lunigiana and added a couple of reviews.  Potentially, this could be very useful if others add to the postings too. 

Mon, 08/10/2009 - 05:39

Thank you everyone for all your ideas.  This has taken the headache out of what is a pleasant excercise!  We just have to watch the weight of our luggage.

Thu, 08/06/2009 - 17:26

Otherwise if you want someone based in the UK you can try Laura Protti who is UK and Italian qualified. She was in charge of the Italian Department at Howells. London, but has set up independently with an office in London, W1.   Her website is 

Answer to: AVATAR
Fri, 07/31/2009 - 16:18

I think I should explain that the posting from Emanuele was acutally ME, FromNowOn!  Emanuele is the other half of Mrs FromNowOn, and he left the second computer logged on in his own identity.  I did not realise, and posted my own message saying I wanted to get rid of one of the two avatars I seem to own on this site. Poor Emanuele is a serious guy, new to the site, and has not made a posting yet.  I have messed it up for him, HE DOES NOT WEAR NIGHTIES, HONESTLY!

Fri, 07/31/2009 - 07:21

Wow!  Is this accumulated knowledge?  The subject is very interesting, can you recommend good (comprehensible) reading?

Thu, 07/30/2009 - 08:55

Thanks Jinty, thanks Russ, for your replies.  We had to insure in a hurry as we took possession of our flat over the weekend.  We have insured through Intasure as they are the only one of the three companies we contacted who would insure for earthquake damage in our area.  As you say, we have £5,000 excess, and there are lots of exclusions if you read the small print.  We'll keep our fingers crossed that we never have to claim.  Our estate agent  confirms what I have seen on the earthquake monitoring site that I am adicted to, there have been two minor earthquakes in the last month in our Villafranca area.  I know this is nothing compared to central Italy, where they can get two or more shakes per day!

Thu, 07/30/2009 - 08:23

I wear (independently of course) multifocal glasses and contact lenses, and have done for about 8 years.  Neither take any getting used to, and I can drive, see the computer, read a book, read a menu, see who is talking across the room, and the contact lenses in particular are comfortable.  I buy the contact lenses on the internet (international delivery) at half the price the optician can supply them for, although I have to have an up to date prescription (lasts a year).  It took a good optician to find, as you say, the right compromise, but my eyesight is good enough to pass a driving test as well as to be able to see to sign the form afterwards! Sorry I don't know an optician in Italy.

Answer to: Bouganvillea
Wed, 07/29/2009 - 08:33

What's the right spot for planting bougainvillea?  Can it go into a pot (and what size)?  I know it is very colourful and spills over walls and fences, but can you train it up a trellis or is it too bushy?I have a small garden in North Tuscany that is mainly paved over at the moment, so maybe I need to remove some of the paving stones and put the plant directly into the earth?  I will only be around to water every 6 weeks or so, so I will be dependant on the weather.  I gather where we are the nights are cool, so maybe some moisture generates then.  I am sure you can guess that I have not developed my green fingers yet.What else can I grow that will enhance a patio and yet will not die from thirst whilst I am in UK?