FromNowOn's activity

Questions Asked

Please can anyone suggest the name and contact details of an English speaking geometra/surveyor to do an English style property report in the Lunigiana area?   In particular I'd like to find someone who can advise on water leakage through a terrac

Mon, 06/08/2009 - 17:10

We have our fingers crossed that it might actually happen - we might overcome all the problems, and finally buy our place in Italy.  We are at the stage where we have signed the proposta and are trying to iron out the many, many problems, concerne

Sat, 06/06/2009 - 13:54

Comments posted

Sun, 06/21/2009 - 13:29

I have two grandchildren with mixed English, Italian, Turkish and Philippine blood.  The children are 16 months and 6 years, and communicate and understand in all languages with the help of plenty of smiles, hand-signs and eyebrow movements!  The Philippine language is called Tagalog.

Answer to: Hello
Sun, 06/21/2009 - 13:19

Hello Malty - I have just read your post and immediately looked up the Valvori website to see where it is.  Looks a lovely little place.  How lucky you are to have an Italian speaking wife and family living in the area.  It will make things so much easier when you come to relocate one day.  We are buying a small place in the Lunigiana area, and should complete in a few weeks.  We are learning everything along the way, and I can only say, if we had had previous experience of the Italian way of buying, or guidance on the ground, it would have been far simpler, and certainly we would have saved money in costs knowing what is important and what is not.  Never mind.  We decided that having a place in Italy would be a project to keep us entertained in retirement - learning the Italian way of doing things.  We have had an introduction to the deep end!  Enjoy your holiday.  We are just waiting to hear when we will have to come to Italy to doing the signing up (and they paying!).

Tue, 06/16/2009 - 08:38

I see that Gromit has changed his picture and just like me has 2 on display.  My original photo remains on the main post, but the replacement photo comes up everywhere else. 

Sun, 06/14/2009 - 15:41

We've got our EasyJet cards - now I'll have to spend lots of money to ensure that I get plenty of airmiles!!!

Thu, 06/11/2009 - 15:49

Believe it or not, in Nice.  That's why I want to get rid of the photo.  At the time I joined it was the only picture I had to hand.  The eye picture is representative of "keeping my eye on all things Italian" going on on this site.  I think it is confusing having two pictures of one user running on different parts of the site,  I hope the administrator can sort it out soon.  Otherwise I am thrilled to bits to have so much information so easily accessible, and I have already had a very helpful private reply to my appeal for an English speaking surveyor.

Wed, 06/10/2009 - 09:28

I have been fiddling about trying to get rid of the old picture and replace it with the new.  What I get is the old picture (of me) in Community Activity, and then when I click on the post link, I get the new picture (of an "eye").  Is this a bug to be ironed out, or am I going about it in the wrong way please?

Tue, 06/09/2009 - 15:47

Many thanks for your comments.  For the moment we are still pursuing our enquires through the condominium administrator, If we are still unhappy, then maybe this will be our next step. 

Tue, 06/09/2009 - 08:35

Yes, I see your point, although now we have decided to go ahead with the purchase anyway, without a report.  I hope we don't live to regret it! Our avvocato would be able to do a translation of an Italian report, but the problems are so obscure I think we would need to be present/or on the phone, to explain the situation to a surveyor, and say what we were specifically concerned about.  A full general report is not what we need.  I do hope someone can make a helpful suggestion.

Mon, 06/08/2009 - 16:59

Thank you what a good tip.  I will look into the EasyJet card straight away,

Sat, 06/06/2009 - 17:29

I have to say we are not anxious about buying in Italy or the unknown ..... all that makes for an exciting project.  Our concerns at the moment involve flooded garages, crumbling balconies, leaking terraces, out of order lift, and costs hard to pin down.  Otherwise the apartment is lovely ...... we really like it!!!!  A bargain!